Lecturer, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Assistant Professor, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Distinguished University Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Distinguished University Professor, Computer Science
Distinguished University Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Lecturer, Chemistry
Instructor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor and Associate Chair, Chemistry
Lecturer, Physics
Assistant Professor, Biology
Distinguished University Professor, CEDB/Biology
HMCSE Associate Dean, Interim Physics Department Chair, Associate Professor, Biology
Lecturer, Biology
Associate Professor , Mathematics and Statistics
Professor, Biology
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Associate Vice President and Professor, Center for Cybersecurity
Lecturer, Computer Science
NIH U-RISE Scholars Program Coordinator, Chemistry
Instructor, Computer Science
Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Associate Professor, Biology
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer, Chemistry
Interim Biology Chair, Professor, Biology
Chair, FWB Coordinator, and Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Instructor and Director of Conservation, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor, Computer Science; Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, Biology
Director of CEDB / Distinguished University Professor of Biology / Director of Reubin O'D. Askew Institute of Multidisciplinary Studies, CEDB/Biology/AIMS
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Associate Professor, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Professor, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Chemistry
Dean HMCSE, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Lecturer, Computer Science
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
UWF Provost, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Professor, CEDB/Biology
Distinguished University Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Department Chair, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Assistant Professor, Biology
Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Assistant Chair, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Research Faculty, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Assistant Professor, Biology
Associate Professor, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Chair and Professor of Chemistry, University Fellow for Advancement, Administrative Fellow for Student Engagement HMCSE, NIH MARC U*STAR/URISE, UWF STEM, and Chemistry Scholars Programs Director, Chemistry
Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor , Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Lecturer, Computer Science
Professor, Biology
Professor, Physics
Associate Professor, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Instructor, Biology
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chair and Associate Professor, Computer Science
Department Chair, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Lecturer, Chemistry
Visiting Instructor, Biology
Professor, Chemistry
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chair and Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Associate Professor, Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor, Biology
Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Professor and UWF Vice Provost, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Research Professor, CEDB/Biology
Nystul Chair, Computer Science
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Cyber/IT
Instructor and Lab Coordinator, Biology
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Associate Professor, Physics
Director of the Intelligent Systems and Robotics doctoral program, Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Associate Professor, Physics
Professor, Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Assistant Professor, CEDB/Biology
Lecturer, Chemistry
Visiting Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Lecturer, Computer Science
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department Chair, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
Director of Workforce Development, Institute for Analytics and Industry Advancement
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Adjunct and Emeritus Faculty
Adjunct Faculty, Physics
Adjunct Faculty, Physics
- hbc@uwf.edu
- phone8504742267
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adjunct, Computer Science
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Adjunct Faculty, Physics
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
- rearp@uwf.edu
- phone8504743241
Instructor, Mechanical Engineering
- seddy@uwf.edu
- phone8504742098
Instructor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry
Instructor, Mechanical Engineering
- rhand@uwf.edu
- phone8504742098
Instructor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Adjunct Faculty, Physics
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty Associate, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- whugli@uwf.edu
- phone8504743377
Emeritus, Mathematics and Statistics
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty Associate, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Adjunct Faculty, Physics
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
President Emeritus, Mathematics and Statistics
- mmarx@uwf.edu
- phone8504742276
Instructor & Developer, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Instructor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Instructor, Mechanical Engineering
Adjunct Faculty, Physics
Adjunct Faculty, Physics
Faculty Associate, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Instructor, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
- hsuri@uwf.edu
- phone8504742098
Instructor, Cybersecurity and Information Technology
- psuri@uwf.edu
- phone8504742098
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry
Instructor, Mechanical Engineering
- wtice@uwf.edu
- phone8504742098
Instructor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
- lwhite@uwf.edu
- phone8504743241
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
- nwilde@uwf.edu
- phone8504743241