Dr. Yazan Alqudah
- Position: Professor
- Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Office Location: Building 4, Room 441
- yalqudah@uwf.edu
- Campus: 850.474.2270
Dr. Yazan A. Alqudah received his Ph.D. degree from Pennsylvania State University in 2003 in electrical engineering. He joined Intel Corporation, Oregon in 2003 as Senior Researcher where he worked with Logic technology development (LTD) and Mobile wireless groups (MWG). In his capacity, he led the development of LTD yield analysis system and the development and integration of WiMAX technology. Dr. Alqudah received three Intel’s recognition awards in 2005 and 2007 for his successful efforts.
In 2008, he joined the communication engineering department at Princess Sumaya University for Technology. Between Fall 2014-Spring 2016, Dr. Alqudah served as chair of the Communications Engineering Department where he continued to lead ABET accreditation. During 2016/2017, Dr. Alqudah taught at Western Carolina University School of Engineering. In Fall 2018, Dr. Alqudah joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of West Florida as a Professor.
Dr. Alqudah is a senior member of IEEE. In 2014, he won best The Best Researcher Award at PSUT. His current research interests include broadband optical wireless communication, Next Generation Mobile Networks deployment and performance, and Mobile Development.
Degrees & Institutions
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 2003
M.S., Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 1997
B.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Jordan, Jordan, 1993
Keywords: Structured Problem Solving, WiMAX RF Network Engineering, C#, C/C++, JMP®, Matlab®, Optiwave®