Dr. Kuiyuan Li
- Position: Distinguished University Professor
- Department: Mathematics and Statistics
- Office Location: Building 4, Room 340
- kli@uwf.edu
- Campus: 850.474.2287
Dr. Kuiyuan Li, a Distinguished UWF professor, has a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Dr. Li was awarded the Distinguished University Professor designation largely at the unanimous recognition of the faculty in the Mathematics and Statistics Department where Dr. Li served as chair for an impressive nine years.
Degrees & Institutions
Ph.D. Mathematics, Michigan State University 1991
Scientific Computing and Math Education
Classes Taught
• MAD 6405 --- Numerical Analysis
• MAD 6990 --- Numerical Differential Equations
• MAD 5990 --- Scientific Computing
• MAE 6386 --- Calculus Concepts I
• MAP 5336 --- Ordinary Differential Equations
• MAS 5107 --- Matrix Analysis
• MAA 4211 ---- Advanced Calculus
• MAA 4212 ---- Advanced Topics in Multi-variable Calculus
• MAC 1104 ---- College Algebra
• MAC 1114 ---- Trigonometry
• MAC 1140 ---- Precalculus Algebra
• MAC 1990c ----College Algebra with Lab
• MAC 2233 ---- Calculus with Business Applications
• MAC 2311 ---- Calculus I
• MAC 2312 ---- Calculus II
• MAC 2313 ---- Calculus III
• MAD 3107 ---- Discrete Mathematics for Information Science
• MAD 4401 ---- Numerical Analysis
• MAD 4313 ---- Partial Differential Equations
• MAD 4990 ---- Scientific Computing
• MAP 3202 ---- Ordinary Differential Equations
• MAP 4103 ---- Mathematical Modeling
• MAP 4303 ---- Mathematical Methods for Engineers
• MAS 3105 ---- Linear Algebra
• MHF 3202 ---- Set theory and Logic