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Exam Proctoring

In order to ensure the security and integrity of our exams, students who do not live near the Pensacola campus or UWF Emerald Coast will need to take exams with a proctor.

A right hand holding a pen next to a piece of paper with written notes and a calculator.

Testing Time Policy

Proctored exams may only be administered from 12:00PM to 7:00PM (Central). If you live outside of the Central time zone, you must adjust your time to synchronize with this time frame (i.e.: 1:00PM-8:00 Eastern, etc.).

Get started by reading our Proctoring FAQs.

Proctoring FAQs

A proctored exam is an exam which will be taken at an approved educational center that you choose, and you will be proctored (supervised) as you take the exam. There may be a fee included, depending on the center doing the proctoring. 

An acceptable proctor is someone with no conflict of interest in upholding UWF's Academic Code of Conduct. Relatives, friends, spouses, neighbors, and coworkers are not acceptable proctors. A proctor candidate may be from one of the following categories:

  • Librarian at a public library that provides proctoring services
  • Learning center or ESO, if in the military
  • College, university, or private testing center, provided you are not affiliated with the same institution

*Note: You must complete the student portion of the Proctor Electronic Form each semester. We should receive this form completed from your proctor by the third Friday of the semester for Fall, the third Friday of the Spring semester, and the second Friday of the semester for the Summer semester. This deadline is regardless of when your first exam is scheduled. The proctor application must include the information of the candidate willing to act as your proctor. You must submit a single proctor for all exams unless approved for extenuating circumstances only. No proctoring changes will be allowed within 48 hours of taking the exam unless for an emergency situation only and these will be approved or denied on a case by case basis. Our testing coordinator will evaluate all proctor approval applications to determine your chosen proctor’s eligibility. Exams will not be distributed to a proctor unless the approved application is on file with the testing coordinator.

At a minimum, the proctor must have:

  1. A valid, working email address and telephone number so that our testing coordinator may communicate with her/him
  2. Reliable internet access
  3. A printer
  4. A scanner or fax machine

Download the Proctor Form Instructions to assist you with the Proctor Exam.

Proctored exams may be taken from 12:00PM to 7:00PM (CT). If you live in a different time zone, you will need to adjust these times appropriately (see below).

Eastern: 1:00PM-8:00PM
: 12:00PM-7:00PM
Mountain: 11:00PM-6:00PM
Pacific: 10:00AM-5:00PM
Other: Please discuss with your instructor

  1. Check your syllabus for all exam dates and times. Do this as soon as you can access your course eLearning and the course syllabus.
  2. Contact your approved proctor with the entire exam schedule as it appears on your course website as soon as possible. Note: Be sure that fees are paid in advance of the actual exam date if required by the proctoring service.
  3. Schedule a day and a time within the above-mentioned testing window to take the exam with the proctor.

Note: Failure on the part of the student to assume these responsibilities will be a matter to resolve with the instructor and could result in a failing grade on the exam in question.

  • Only the proctor may handle the exam prior to and following its completion. The student may have access to the exam only while testing. If the student would like a copy of the exam, s/he should contact the instructor.
  • No copies of the exam other than the copy used for test-taking are to be made at any time. No person other than the proctor and student may have access to the exam.
  • The proctor must follow the instructor's requirements for administering the exam. These will always be included in the email containing the exam. These may include a time limit, specific allowable materials and aides, such as calculator, textbooks, formula sheets, notes, etc.
    • Electronic "smart" devices are not allowed during testing time. This includes, but is not limited to: cellphones, computers, tablets, and smartwatches.
    • Personal items are not allowed during testing. The student should only be allowed the exam and permitted materials. Personal items include, but are not limited to: wallets, purses, hats, bags, coats, books and notes (unless otherwise stated).
  • Completed exams must be returned to by 10AM (CT) the day following testing.
    • In case of technical issues causing a delay in submitting the completed exam, please promptly contact the testing coordinator to alert so that the student is not penalized.
    • The student is not permitted to assist with scanning, emailing, or faxing the exam.
    • If the exam must be faxed, please ask the student to write dark and leave a 1” margin around the entire page, as faxes are often incomplete or illegible. Fax to 850-857-6269.
  • The student is not permitted to take exams before or after the testing time window listed above without prior written approval from the instructor. If the proctor is not available during this testing time window, please alert the student in a timely fashion so that s/he can make alternative arrangements.

Failure to comply with the above mentioned proctoring policies, appropriate action will be taken. This may include invalidation of the student's exam results and/or revocation of proctor approval.

The testing time policy does not apply to the graduate core comprehensive exams. Students may take their comprehensive exams at anytime of the day. Make note that comprehensive exams and final exams are not the same. The testing time policy always applies to final exams.

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