Parking Tickets and Appeals
Any person who receives a University parking citation and believes there are valid reasons to appeal the citation, may file an appeal in writing within 7 days.

Ticket Payment and Appeals Process
Paying for a parking citation – Citations are paid online via MyUWF. (Search for the "Parking Transaction Portal" app.) View the "Citations" area to view your citations, view appeals and pay your parking ticket(s). Visit appealing a parking ticket in Confluence for step-by-step instructions. Note: If you have a citation dated prior to July 9, 2014, pay in Cashier's Office via check or money order.
Submitting an appeal – Within 7 days of receiving the parking citation in question, you may submit an appeal for consideration via MyUWF. (Search for the "Parking Transaction Portal" app.) Most of the information necessary to fill out the appeals form can be found printed on the citation.
Appeals Levels – Appeals are handled on two progressive levels. The first level is an in-house review by the Parking Services Manager. Those submitting an appeal will receive an email response with the outcome of the first level within 5 business days. Appeals denied at this level will automatically be forwarded to the second level of appeal. The second level of appeal is conducted by the Parking Violations Appeals Board (PVAB). The person making the appeal is entitled to be present during the PVAB meeting. A notification of the outcome of the second level will be emailed after the PVAB meeting.
- All appeals will be heard by the Board once
- All decisions by the Board are final and binding
PVAB Meeting Schedule – The date, time and location of the next PVAB meeting will be posted on MyUWF "Parking Transaction Portal" app main page and on the "View Your Appeals" page two weeks prior to the meeting date.