Parking on Campus
Any person who parks a vehicle on the UWF campus must have a University permit (or University visitor’s permit) properly displayed on their vehicle.
Virtual Permits
Learn more about UWF's upcoming transition to LPR (License Plate Recognition) and VPS (Virtual Permit System).
Parking Portal via MyUWF
Visit the UWF Parking Portal (or find the Parking Transaction Portal in MyUWF) to purchase a permit, pay a citation, or appeal a citation.

UWF regulates its parking facilities
Parking a vehicle on any of the University of West Florida’s campuses is a privilege that may be granted and revoked by the University. The University is authorized and reserves the right to regulate its vehicle parking facilities for the exclusive use of designated groups or individuals. All vehicles parked on campus are parked at the risk of the owner.
How parking is organized at UWF: The University manages more than thirty parking lots on the Pensacola Campus. Each lot is designated with a letter name and is available to specific user groups. Signs are posted at the entrance to each lot indicating the user designation(s). Parking spaces are marked with signs within the lot for specific user groups. For example, Lot Y is designated for resident students, marked with blue signs and is located close to Martin Hall. For complete information on parking lot designations, see the Parking Map 2024-2025 (PDF) or view the new Interactive Parking Map at
All University students and employees parking on campus must be registered with Parking Services and have their permit properly displayed. Registration can be accomplished online via MyUWF. Visitors should stop by the Visitors Center, Bldg. 81 and pick up a temporary permit. The Visitors Center is open weekdays from 8am to 5pm except on UWF holidays. After hours and weekends, temporary permits are available at the UWF Police office, Bldg. 94.
UWF user groups are designated as follows:
- Commuters – green permits (Visitors may park in commuter spaces if no designated visitors spaces are available.)
- Resident students – blue permits (Pace, Argo, Heritage, Presidents and Martin Hall); black permits (Village East and Village West)
- Motorcycles – brown
- Faculty and staff – yellow permits
- Faculty and staff reserved – purple permits
- Senior administrators – blue and green permits
- Visitors – temporary permits
- Handicapped – standard handicapped permit
Loading Zone Policy: The period of use for loading or unloading purposes will be restricted to 2 hours. Prior permission from Parking Services to park in a Loading Zone is required. Parking regulations in Loading Zones will be enforced at all times.
Once parked, walking on campus is encouraged. In most cases, it is possible to reach your destination with 15 minutes. See the estimate of Campus Walking Times (pdf).
Contact Us
Parking and Transportation Services
Chip Chism, Manager