Faculty Resources

Welcome to the DAESA Faculty Resources Page. If you have any trouble accessing any of the resources or have feedback, please send an email to callonDAESA@uwf.edu.
To immediately refer a student for assistance, click here
Request a presentation from the topics and departments listed below

Counseling and Psychological Services
Outreach presentations are provided by request and can be tailored for various events. Common topics include:
- stress management
- time management
- mindfulness
- meditation
- healthy relationships
- anxiety management
- coping with depression
- suicide prevention
- decoding personality

Career Development and Community Engagement
CDCE offers multiple presentations on topics, including:
- résumé and cover letter development
- interviewing skills
- experiential learning (internships and cooperative learning)
- CDCE services

Campus Culture
Civil Discourse: Engaging in Constructive Dialogue
Freedom of Expression
- Basics
- Limits
- Free Speech & Democracy
- Free Speech & Higher Education
Request a Campus Culture presentation with the centralized presentation request form.

Dean of Students
The Dean of Students Office offers presentations on topics like:
- Creating a Culture of Care: An Overview of Services and Programs in the Dean of Students Office
- Argos Care: Supporting Students in Distress
- Argos Care: Understanding Student Mental Health
- Argos Care: Addressing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom
- Understanding the Academic Misconduct Process
Request a Dean of Students presentation with the centralized presentation request form.

International Affairs
Available to meet with your students to present more information about International Affairs, including:
- International Student Life
- Study Abroad
- Global Village
- Current Topics in Asian Societies
- Conversation Partners Living Library
- Global Quarter Introduction
- Peace Corps Prep Program
Request an International Affairs presentation with the centralized presentation request form.

Student Accessibility Resources
Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) is available to meet with you or your group to share more about SAR services or accessibility training, including:
- Overview of Processes
- Understanding Academic Accommodations
- Customized Training

Student Ombuds
Is open to meet with your students to present more information about Student Ombuds Services, including:
- Overview of Student Ombuds
- Formal Student Grievances
- Informal Resolution Strategies
Request a Student Ombuds presentation with the centralized presentation request form.

Title IX Programs
We are happy to help train your staff and student groups on all aspects of Title IX. Topics include:
- Title IX Overview
- Leading in Times of Crisis
- Understanding Consent
- Healthy Romantic Relationships
- Bystander Intervention
- Customized Training on Request
Request a Title IX presentation with the centralized presentation request form.

Tutoring and Learning Resources
Is available to meet with your students to present more information on our services or topics, such as:
- metacognition
- goal setting and motivation
- learning styles
- note-taking strategies
- time management
- study strategies and test prep

The Wellness team and UWF Peer Educators can speak to your classroom on a number of topics, including:
- sexual health
- healthy relationships
- personal wellness
- stress management
- anti-violence
- alcohol and drugs
Request a Wellness presentation with the centralized presentation request form.
Quick Links
Related Links
Report a student of concern
- Academic Misconduct Incident Report Form
- Student Code of Conduct Incident Report Form
- Care Referral Form
- Title IX Incident Report Form
- Issuing an Alert: Alerts are a way to draw attention to a student who may potentially be struggling with academic or personal issues.
Department | Service | Contact and Location |
Career Development and Community Engagement | Available to assist you in providing career development opportunities and resources for our students. | |
Center for Academic Success | Available to assist in early identification and intervention for "at risk" undergraduate students who are experiencing academic difficulty in your course. | |
Counseling and Psychological Services |
If you have a student experiencing a psychological or emotional crisis, contact Counseling and Psychological Services. If you are seeing aggressive behavior or an emergency situation on campus, call the Campus Police Department at 850.474.2415. |
Building 960, 200 A
Dean of Students |
We encourage you to consult with our office if a student has violated the student code of conduct, or is facing challenges or concerns that are interfering with their success. |
Student Accessibility Resources |
If a student identifies a disability to you or you suspect an academic barrier due to a possible disability, please direct the student to the Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) Office. SAR staff are available to guide you in meeting accommodation requirements and have put together many helpful online resources as well. |
Student Health Services |
The Student Health Clinic is a primary health facility that serves actively enrolled UWF Students. Our caring team of professionals is available to serve students when they need medical care or advice. |
Title IX Programs | If a student discloses to you that they are a victim of sexual assault or sexual violence, you are required to report the incident. Mandated Reporters or any individual wishing to report potentially prohibited behavior must provide information to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. | |
Tutoring and Learning Resources | If a student needs support mastering current course-related knowledge and skills or developing better behavior or study habits, you can refer them to TLR. |
If you are witnessing aggressive behavior or other unusual situations on campus, call the UWF Police Department at 850.474.2415.