Tutoring and Learning Resources

Tutoring and Learning Resources (TLR) provides free academic support to all current UWF students.
Academic Coaching and Tutoring Services
Academic Coaching is student-centered mentoring designed to identify the behaviors and tools required for academic success. Students may Request an Academic Coach or attend a scheduled Academic Success Workshop.
Tutoring services are subject-centered support that helps students master current course-related knowledge and skills. If you need tutoring services in general subjects, visit one of our tutoring sessions during drop-in hours.

Academic Coaching
These sessions provide students one-on-one support with our academic coaches to help them develop the necessary skills to become successful, self-directed lifelong learners.

Academic Success Workshops
Led by trained coaches and staff, these workshops are designed for current students at any academic level who want to improve their time management, habits, organization and study skills.

Subject-based Tutoring
Led by TLR tutors, these sessions are designed to be an extension of classroom learning by providing the student with knowledge practices and support at the student’s pace.