Starting a Sport Club

Definition Of A Sport Club
University of West Florida Sport Clubs are student organizations specifically registered within the department of Recreation formed by students with a common interest in a physical sport activity that exists to promote and develop interest in that particular activity. The group has joined together and organized to further their interest and enjoyment in this activity as well as promote the mission and values of the department in an athletic manner.
Qualifications Of A Sport Club
- The club must be sport-like in nature and represent the truest of its specific sport.
- The club must be directly associated with a nationally governing body; membership within that body's association is suggested but not required.
- The club cannot be a duplicate nor have strong similarities with another active sport club.
- The club must be able to prove it has at least 10 active members at any given time.
- The club must have a faculty/staff advisor at all times.
Process For Forming A New Sport Club
Organizations may request sport club status any time during the fall and spring semesters. Any organization requesting to become a sport club must do so through the office of Recreation and Wellness. The following is a step-by-step process for those interested in forming a new sport club:
- Meet the definition and qualifications of a sport club.
- Complete the Prospective Club Packet and submit to the Competitive Sports Office via email at The packet includes:
- Sport Club Petition that needs to have at least 20 signatures of interested UWF Students.
- The requirement to draft a Club Constitution; every constitution needs to include the University’s Hazing Policy in its bylaws.
- Use the Constitution Requirements document as a resource when developing your club's constitution.
- Find a full time UWF Faculty/Staff member who is willing to be the Club’s Advisor. Have them complete the Advisor Contract.
- Meet with a Sport Club Graduate Assistant or the Assistant Director to review application materials, questions, and to get on the agenda to present to the Sport Club Council (SCC).
- The requesting club will need to present to the Sport Club Council during the next SCC meeting that occurs. The presentation should consist of a short explanation of your club’s interests, purpose, goals and budget. After the presentation, the Council will vote and the club will be notified shortly thereafter.
- If the majority of the Council votes in favor of the formation of the club, they will be granted provisional status and notified of further sport club responsibilities and privileges.
- If the majority of the Council votes against the formation of the club, the club may be encouraged to seek recognition as a Student Organization or be provided other suggestions for future request.
If Approved
If approved, the club must complete the following:
- Meet with a Competitive Sports GA for Officer Training.
- Create a page on Argo Pulse.
- Join their club's IMLeagues roster.
- Submit all officer contracts.
- Select a SCC Representative and submit his/her contract.
- Request practice space by filling out the Practice Facility Request form.
- Provide CPR/First Aid certifications for two members of the club.
- Abide by all deadlines set by the Competitive Sports Office.
If additional funding is available, the Executive Board could distribute a small amount of money to help the club get started. The club must request those funds by submitting an Additional Funding Request form.
Moving From Provisional to Recognized Status
Following two full academic semesters, the officers of a PROVISIONAL club will present to the Sport Club Executive Board in request of RECOGNIZED status. The Board will deliberate and have the opportunity to 1) grant RECOGNIZED status, 2) extend PROVISIONAL status for another semester (with a total of two full years possible PROVISIONAL status), or 3) remove the club from the program altogether. If the Board chooses to extend PROVISIONAL status, the club can re-request each semester thereafter until request is granted. Decision of the Council will be based on the following:
- Club’s adherence to original definition and qualifications as listed above
- Club’s accumulation of at least 30 points during the Summer, Fall, and Spring semester
- Club’s compliance with program procedures
For more information about starting a new Sport Club or continuing your Sport Club on from the status of Provisional to Recognized, please review the Sport Club Handbook.