Krysta Ponek
- Coordinator, Outdoor Adventures
Krysta serves as your Coordinator of the Outdoor Adventure program within Recreation and Wellness. She has always enjoyed staying active and experiencing life to its fullest by competing in sports, communing with nature, traveling, or spending time with her pups! Krysta studied environmental studies, sustainability, and business management while playing Division I water polo at Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania. Her environmental career began in the FL State Park Service where she discovered her passion for sharing the beauty of native ecosystems with others. She nourished this passion by becoming an environmental educator, overnight nature camp director, zip guide, and a high ropes guide. The UWF Outdoor Adventure program offers unique opportunities for students and the community to experience. Krysta is devoted to inspiring others to get out of their comfort zones and enjoys planting seeds of discovery wherever she can. Afterall, you never know what new hobbies or passions may sprout from them.