MVRC Student Services
With Pensacola being home to many current and former members of the US Armed Forces, UWF extends its support of veterans, active duty and their family members seeking educational opportunities. Consistently ranked a military friendly school, the MVRC offers a variety of student services.
VetSuccess on Campus
A collaborative effort between the VA and UWF, an experienced Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor is on campus to serve as a one-stop liaison for veterans, active duty military and eligible dependents who attend or plan to attend UWF.
Vet Success on CampusUWF Veterans Mentoring Program
Our full-time Mentor Coordinator (MeCo) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) available to offer guidance to students and introduce them to other valuable resources both on and off campus.
Mentoring ProgramSWIM Team
The SWIM (Social Work Interns Mentoring) Team allows a Social Work Intern within the MVRC to be assigned as a personal point of contact for any assistance a military-affiliated student may need throughout the semester.
SWIM TeamComputer Lab and Printing
The MVRC computer lab is available to students anytime during the semester with online test proctoring support, up to 25 pages printed free per day and a digital scanner.
Computer Lab and PrintingLaptop Loan Program
The laptop loan program allows students to check out a laptop for as long as needed during a semester to help them be more successful in their classes.
Laptop Loan ProgramVA Vocational Rehabilitation & Counseling
Veteran and service members may be eligible for help with job seeling skills, personalized career path counseling support and more.
VA Veteran Readiness and Employment