Personal College Financing Plan

These resources are available to help you plan for the cost of pursuing your education at UWF.
Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315, Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, adds new requirements for educational institutions participating in the educational assistance programs of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These new provisions became effective June 15, 2021 and apply to Institutions of Higher Learning and Non-College Degree institutions beginning August 1, 2021. Many of the requirements are consistent with the requirements of the Principles of Excellence, currently in Executive Order 13607; however, there are requirements in addition to those embodied in the Principles of Excellence which schools must also satisfy to maintain approval for GI Bill® participation.
Schools must provide financial information to students using benefits under chapter 30, 31, 32, 33, or 35 of title 38,U.S.C.,or chapter 1606 of title 10, U.S.C. with a College Financing Plan (personalized shopping sheet) that contains:
Estimated total cost of the course that includes tuition, fees, books, supplies and any other additional costs
- Cost of Attendance
- Cost Calculator: Use this tool to estimate your financial aid and college expenses. This is UWF's customized college financing planning tool. For more information and additional resources, visit the U.S. Department of Education's College Financing Plan.
- Tuition and Fees
- Performance Based Funding Metrics (3. Average Cost to the Student)
- U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard (Costs, Average Annual Cost): Use the Scorecard Homepage to find the right fit by searching and comparing colleges by their fields of study, costs, admissions, results, and more.
- College Navigator: Tuition, Fees, and Estimated Student Expenses: Use this tool to research and compare details about specific schools. You can search by location, programs, level of award, institution type, and additional options.
- UWF Bookstore Textbook Lookup
Estimated cost of living expenses
- Cost of Attendance
- Cost Calculator (for estimating financial aid before completing the FAFSA)
- Estimated direct Cost Calculator (self-service calculator; can manually enter aid offers, living options, etc.)
- On-Campus Housing Rates
- Meal Plans
Amount of costs above that are covered by VA Education Benefits (amount dependent on the eligibility of the student, determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
Other types of federal financial aid, not administered by VA that is offered by the institution, that the individual may be qualified to receive
Other information to facilitate comparison by the individual about aid packages offered by other educational institutions
Estimated amount of student loan debt the individual would have upon graduation
- U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard (Financial Aid & Debt, Median Total Debt After Graduation)
- Loans
Information regarding graduation rates
Information regarding job-placement rates for graduates, if available
- Performance Based Funding Metrics (1. Percentage of Bachelor's Graduates Enrolled or Employed ($40,000+ in the U.S. One Year After Graduation)
Information regarding the acceptance of transfer credits including military credits
Requirements for graduation and graduation timeframe
Any additional requirements including training, experience, or examinations that are required to obtain a license, certification or approval for which the course of education prepares the individual
- UWF Catalog
- UWF State Authorization Status
- FTCE (Florida Teacher Certification Exams)
- Behavior Analysis Certifications
- Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
- Qualified Behavior Analyst (QBA)
- Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA)
- Qualified Autism Services Practitioner Supervisors (QASP)
- Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)
- Applied Behavior Analysis Technician (ABAT)
- Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer
- Florida CPA Exam & Licensure
- Florida Board of Professional Engineers Licensure
- Florida Clinical Social Worker Licensure
- Florida Mental Health Counselor Licensure
- Florida Nursing Licensure
- Medical Laboratory Sciences Student Handbook
Undergraduate Catalog: Programs
- Biology Teaching, B.A.
- Chemistry Teaching, B.A.
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences, B.S.
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences, B.S., MLT to MLS
- Computer Engineering, BSCE
- Earth and Environmental Science Teaching, B.A.
- Electrical Engineering, BSEE
- Elementary Education, B.A.
- Elementary Education, Exceptional Student Education, B.A.
- Exercise Science, B.S.
- Health & Physical Education, B.S., Physical Education Teacher Education
- Mathematics Teaching, B.A.
- Mechanical Engineering, BSME
- Music Education, BME
- Dr. D.W. McMillan BSN Nursing Program
- Physics Teaching, B.A.
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences Categorical Certification
- ABA Online Certificate Program (for BCaBA and QASP-S Exams)
- Applied Behavior Analysis Technician (ABAT) Training Course
- Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) Training Course
- Accountancy, M.Acc.
- Athletic Training, M.S.
- Reading Education, M.Ed.
- Educational Leadership, M.Ed.
- Exceptional Student Education, M.A. ABA Specialization
- Nursing, MSN, Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
- Nursing, MSN, Entry Into Practice
- Psychology, MA, Counseling Concentration
- Social Work, MSW
- BCBA Certificate
- QBA Certificate
College Financing Plan
The College Financing Plan is available in MyUWF under Financial Aid.
Paying for College
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Paying for College, where you can compare financial aid offers.
Designated employees serving as a point of contact for covered individuals or family members seeking assistance
Other resources
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. government website at