Strategic Plan
The Division of Academic Engagement and Student Affairs (DAESA) advances the mission of UWF by supporting student wellbeing, providing transformative educational experiences, and offering a wide variety of academic support services.
All UWF students are successful, healthy, and fully engaged in their academic and professional journeys.
Transformational Experiences
- Enhance campus-wide partnerships to better promote new and existing opportunities.
- Foster student awareness of transformational experiences and their value in achieving personal and professional goals.
- Decrease barriers to equitable engagement.
- Provide and identify funding opportunities to support learning goals.
- Develop and support a culture of frequent and timely feedback on student work.
- Foster opportunities for critical reflection.
- Provide formative and summative evaluation of student performance.
Academic Success
Goal 2.1: Improve academic success outcomes.
- Collaborate with campus partners to develop or refine academic success outcomes.
- Enhance and promote academic support services.
- Employ evidence-based student support strategies.
Goal 2.2: Expand program and services to better manage student enrollment and persistence beyond the first year.
- Develop data-driven strategies to drive student success through graduation.
- Strengthen relationships with Academic Affairs to better align student success initiatives.
Civility and Inclusion
Goal 3.1: Build an inclusive work community.
- Foster a culture that encourages all staff to contribute to their full potential.
- Foster a commitment to civil discourse among faculty and staff.
- Enhance intercultural awareness among faculty and staff.
Goal 3.2: Increase retention and graduation by offering inclusive programming and services.
- Foster a commitment to civil discourse within the student body.
- Strengthen campus partnerships to enhance student belonging.
- Enhance intercultural awareness among students.
Health and Wellbeing
Goal 4.1: Create a culture of care reflective of the eight dimensions of wellbeing for students and DAESA staff.
- Create and implement evidence-based collaborative programs and services that promote positive change in students' health and wellbeing knowledge, skills and behaviors.
- Enhance communication, resources and support for parents and families.
- Implement strategies to create awareness of current health and wellbeing programs, services and resources.
Goal 4.2: Build student resilience.
- Create intentional opportunities for students to engage in activities that build resilience.
- Promote engagement in peer-led wellbeing programs.
Staff Development and Operations
Goal 5.1: Create a staff-development focused culture.
- Utilize consistent training and resources
- Create comprehensive, cutting edge staff development plans focused on enriching and retaining talented professionals.
- Focus on community building across the Division.
Goal 5.2: Promote effectiveness of the Division.
- Deploy a Divisional strategic communication plan that highlights the impact of DAESA.
- Increase assessment capacity within DAESA.
- Engage in regular systematic assessment efforts that inform planning.
Goal 5.3: Engage in responsible and equitable stewardship of human, fiscal, and physical resources.
- Analyze division funds to ensure responsible planning and management of all fiscal resources.
- Provide comprehensive technology and marketing services needed to support DAESA units.
- Ensure compliance and create best practices to support operational effectiveness.