Private/Group Study Rooms And Testing Rooms

The University of West Florida Libraries has several types of individual study rooms (carrels) and group study rooms available at the John C. Pace Library and the Education Research Library.
Private Study Rooms - Daily
Daily carrels are available on a first-come-first-served basis to eligible users who present a valid Nautilus Card. Once checked out, the carrel is exclusively available to that user until the library closes (or until the key is returned).
Testing Rooms
The John C. Pace Library has five private testing rooms (carrels #422, #423, #424, #425, and #427) that can be used for test-taking. These rooms have an all-in-one computer (Argonet account login required), a webcam, and the Respondus Lockdown Browser software pre-installed. These rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis to eligible users who present a valid Nautilus Card. Testing rooms check out for 4-hours at a time.
The Education Research Library has one private testing room available on a first-come-first-served basis. The room is equipped with a computer, webcam, and the Respondus Lockdown Browser software pre-installed. The keyboard and mouse must be checked out at the service desk with the patron's Nautilus Card before use.
LSAT/MCAT Scheduled Tests
Students requiring a testing room for LSAT and MCAT testing can request a testing carrel in advance. Please fill out the form below for each day you need a testing carrel, and a staff member will reach out to you with a confirmation within two business days.
Private Study Rooms - Semester
Semester carrels are designed to facilitate research and provide a quiet atmosphere for study. Due to the limited number of carrels available, semester carrels are only available to doctoral and masters students actively working on their dissertation or master's thesis at UWF. If you meet these criteria, please review the rest of the material on this page and submit the carrel application below.
Group Study Rooms
The John C. Pace Library has six Group Study rooms. There are three available on the 3rd floor (rooms #305, #306, and #310), and three available on the 4th floor (rooms #405, #406, and #410).
These rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis to groups of three or more individuals with no key checkout required.
Whiteboards are available in each of the group study rooms. LCD projectors for use in the group study rooms may be checked out at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor.
The Education Research Library has one group study room available. The room is available on a first-come-first-served basis with no key checkout required. A whiteboard is installed in the room, along with markers and an eraser for group work.
Carrel Policy And Responsibility
The individual whose University borrower ID is used to check out the carrel key is responsible for the key and the carrel.
The following fines/fees are associated with carrel keys:
- Overdue key (assumed lost): $55.00 replacement charge (plus any accrued overdue fines)
- Lost key tag: $5.00 replacement charge (plus any accrued overdue fines)
- Damaged carrel fees are dependent upon the extent of the damage.
Carrel Use Guidelines
The University of West Florida Libraries’ staff strives to make the libraries as safe and comfortable as possible for our patrons. To ensure a safe environment for all and to preserve the furnishings for future users, please observe the following guidelines when using your carrel. Carrels will be periodically inspected to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
Your personal items:
While each carrel has a lockable door, the library strongly discourages the storage of valuables in your carrel. Personal computers, calculators, books, or any other items of value should not be left unattended in the carrel; take any valuable items with you when you leave your carrel, and do not leave anything behind that could not be easily replaced. The library is not responsible for any items stolen from a library carrel. Any personal item(s) left in the carrels past the assigned usage time will be removed and retained in the Circulation Department for one week. Any item(s) not claimed within that time will be disposed of.
Lights and power to the carrels will be turned off when the library closes. The library is not responsible for any data lost due to power failures or normal closing procedures.
Library-owned items:
All library material in carrels MUST be checked out at the Circulation Desk to the carrel occupant's personal University borrower ID. Carrel occupants are responsible for renewing any materials kept in their carrel. Non-circulating materials are NOT to be kept in carrels. The carrels will be inspected periodically by Circulation staff. Items that are not checked out and any non-circulating materials will be removed and returned to the library’s collection.
Moving library lounge chairs into the carrels is prohibited. If you would like a more comfortable chair, please feel free to bring in one of your own.
Covering or removing heating and cooling vents is prohibited. Please feel free to bring in a fan for your comfort.
Please refrain from decorating carrel walls. Nails and screws damage carrels and can be expensive to repair, while stickers or hooks attached with sticky materials or glue are difficult to remove and may cause damage. Users will be charged for any repair fees incurred by the library to repair damage that is the result of misuse or decorating.
Please notify circulation staff of any problems in the carrel (lights not working, cracks in the wall, leaks, etc.).
Please use headphones when listening to music or watching videos, etc. (especially on the 4th floor).
Please turn off the desk light upon leaving the carrel and lock the carrel door.
Please help keep the carrels clean by properly disposing of trash, particularly perishable food items, wrappers, or containers.
Please use common sense when it comes to safety.
Fire regulations prohibit the use of any material to cover carrel windows.
Please take a moment to locate the nearest Library exit from your carrel. In the event of a fire alarm, lock your carrel and leave the building immediately.
The use of alcohol, illegal substances, and tobacco products of all kinds is prohibited.
We ask that only the individual assigned to the carrel use the carrel.
Violation of library policies or carrel policies may lead to immediate termination of carrel privileges.