Argo Scholar Commons
The University of West Florida Libraries hosts the Argo Scholar Commons (ASC), a research portal and institutional repository providing a digital showcase of research, scholarship, and creativity of faculty, students, and staff of the University of West Florida community.
What is the Argo Scholar Commons?
The Argo Scholar Commons (ASC) serves two purposes. It contains researcher profiles that provide information about faculty, their research, and scholarly works. And at the same time, it is the online repository where we gather, preserve, and showcase scholarly output produced by UWF faculty, students, and staff. ASC then makes these materials available to the UWF community and the world. We will review all copyrights and post PDFs or citations in compliance with copyrights. And since Esploro is connected to the libraries' ILS system, many works that cannot be posted because of copyrights are still accessible to the UWF community because the library subscribes to a particular journal or database.
What can you find in the Argo Scholar Commons? Publications in peer-reviewed journals as well as materials not published elsewhere like datasets, pre-prints, post-prints, performance recordings, syllabi, posters, theses, dissertations, book chapters, posters, videos, etc.
Unlike a personal website, we can help UWF faculty members manage their materials in a central location, in standardized formats, and in ways that allow for more effective search, retrieval, and long-term digital preservation.
Authorize your Argo Scholar Commons Profile
Contribute to the Argo Scholar Commons
Please complete the authorization form above. Once we have received your authorization form, we will activate your profile and email you some detailed information on how to start building your researcher profile. In that email, we will also request a copy of your CV or a list of publications. Once we have one of those items, we can get started finding your publications.
Using Esploro's Smart Expansion and Smart Harvesting tools and your CV or list of publications, we can find PDFs or citations for most published academic works. But not all. We will let you know when we have populated your list of scholarship, and ask you to check for works Esploro may have missed.
You will still need to submit files for unpublished works, as well as works in audio and audio-visual formats. If necessary, files will be converted to the formats required by our platform. We can also scan print or other materials for digitization if needed. If you have questions about specific file types or need works scanned for digitization, please note these things on the authorization form.
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FAQs And Other Information
For more information, including specifics on copyright and a list of frequently asked questions, please visit our Argo Scholar Commons library guide.