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UWF proudly offers a first-year residential learning community in Martin Hall. This high-impact program enhances the college experience and first-year success by building a community of peers and connecting students with campus programs and resources. Students living in Martin Hall will have targeted programming, events, and community service experiences to enhance the first year experience.

Benefits of ArgoFirst

Research shows that students who participate in a Learning Community have higher academic success rates, higher college graduation rates, higher levels of satisfaction with their college experience, and an easier time connecting with their peers. The ArgoFirst Program is designed to celebrate and support the specific needs and interests of first-year students at the University of West Florida. Students who live in Martin Hall benefit from community building, academic support, mentorship, and leadership opportunities. Supported by full-time professional and peer academic support staff who work collaboratively with faculty, staff, and residents, together this team integrates both professional and personal interests to enhance the academic and social experience during the first year.

Our priority is to provide students with resources and programs that will strengthen their academic performance and improve their college experience at the University of West Florida. Programming will be designed to strengthen academic success, self-awareness, and self-efficacy, build professional relationships, and develop lifelong habits that foster wellbeing. The skills and strategies mastered in this community will lead to academic success while at UWF and preparation for life beyond college.

Community Member Benefits

  • Live with other first year students to connect with peers and develop a community through social events and activities
  • Build an academic success network including academic advisors, academic support staff, peer academic coaches, faculty, and other guests from across the University
  • Events and activities that focus on academic skills development, professional and personal development, and well being are offered right in the residence hall
  • Scholarship opportunities are open to students who actively participate in ArgoFirst programming and activities

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