Campus Safety
Safety on campus is possible by taking a few easy steps and knowing what resources are available.

Safety Tips for Working or Studying on Campus at Night
Avoid working or studying alone in a building at night.
If you must work alone in a building at night, make sure someone you trust knows where you are and what time you will be leaving the building. Have your cell phone with you and fully charged.
Know the locations of the blue lights on campus. A map of the blue light locations is available on the UWFPD web site.
Never prop doors open, especially fire doors, even for a short period.
While in the classroom, the library, the dining hall, the restrooms, or any of the campus facilities, do not leave your belongings unattended. Theft of textbooks is common due to the resale value of the books. If you need to leave, take your belongings with you.
Always keep your purse locked in a desk drawer or cabinet. Never leave it in plain view.
Report anyone who behaves suspiciously to the University Police. Try to provide the police with a description of his or her appearance and the direction of travel or most current location.
Never walk alone after dark. Always walk with a friend if possible. If a friend is not available, call the University Police at 474-2415 for an escort on campus. You may also use the campus blue lights to contact the police department to request an escort.