Emergency Communications
In order to effectively communicate with the campus community in the event of an emergency, university officials utilize Mobile Alert, which allows for rapid notification. Outlets utilized are dependent upon the situation at hand, but may include broadcast emails, social media, text messaging, desktop/computer notifications, loud speakers/sirens and electronic displays on campus.
Mobile Alert
Mobile Alert is a broadcasting messaging system utilized by the university in emergency situations. To find more information regarding Mobile Alert, visit the Enroll in Mobile Alert page or locate the application in MyUWF by searching Mobile Alert.
Desktop Alert
Desktop Alert allows university officials to be able to relay important emergency alert information to computers on the University of West Florida main campus. In addition to the notifications provided through Mobile Alert and Desktop Alert, emergency information is usually available by accessing the following outlets:
Notification Types
The University of West Florida utilizes two different notification types, to differentiate between the severity of situations.
- Argo Alert (Imminent Danger) is a message that the University of West Florida utilizes to inform faculty, staff and students when a situation of imminent danger arises and requires a call for action. Argo Alerts can be received via text message or email. When a Argo Alert is sent, please take immediate action in obtaining safety and shelter. Example: Building evacuation due to a fire.
- UWF Notice (Non-Imminent Danger) is a message that the University of West Florida utilizes to inform faculty, staff and students when a less severe situation arises on campus. UWF Notice is typically distributed via email. When a UWF Notice is sent, please be sure to take note of the campus situation for future safety and precautionary measures. Example: Announcement of campus closure due to an impending hurricane that is days away from landfall.
AMBER Alerts
Effective Jan. 1, 2013, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has added the use of Wireless Emergency Alert technology to the list of methods for distributing AMBER alerts.
It's important to note that these notifications are not sent by UWF. If there is a situation of danger at UWF, students, faculty and staff will be notified separately from through a UWF notice or Argo Alert.
Wireless Emergency Alert is an emergency alerting technology that is manufactured directly into your mobile device. Generally, most devices manufactured within the last 1-2 years will have this technology installed. One of the advantages of WEA is that anyone located within the warned geographical region with a capable device will receive the alert. You do have the capability to modify what type of WEA messages you receive by accessing the settings in your device.
Examples of alerts that may be sent using this technology include: Tornado Warnings, Flash Flood Warnings, Hurricane Warnings, U.S. Presidential Emergency Messages, AMBER Alerts and other immediate life-threatening warnings.