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Technology Fee

Collected technology fee funds are used to enhance instructional technology resources for students and faculty.

Background Information

In 2007, the Florida Legislature amended Florida Statutes section 1009.24 to establish a “technology fee of up to 5 percent of the tuition per credit hour, beginning with the fall term of the 2009-2010 academic year. The revenue from this fee shall be used to enhance instructional technology resources for students and faculty. The technology fee shall not be included in any award under the Florida Bright Futures Program.”

The Provost appointed a committee to study the technology fee and to make recommendations on the amount and use of the fee. The Board of Trustees at its June 2009 meeting established the amount of the technology fee at UWF as the full 5% for undergraduate courses and an equal dollar amount for graduate courses beginning Fall 2009.

Types of Technology Fee Projects

UWF Technology Fees are used to fund two categories of projects: Systemic Projects and Instructional Technology Enhancement Projects (ITEP).

  • Systemic Projects are projects proposed by operational units of the university (e.g., colleges, academic departments, Library, etc.) for instructional technology enhancements of unit-wide or university-wide scope. Seventy (70%) of Technology Fee revenues are allocated for funding Systemic Projects.
  • Instructional Technology Enhancement Projects (ITEP) are focused projects proposed by an individual or small team with the intention of exploring new applications of instructional technology. ITEP will typically be led by a faculty “principal investigator.” ITEP are time-limited projects (up to two years in length) and allocations of Technology Fee funds to these projects are non-recurring. Thirty percent (30%) of Technology Fee revenues are allocated for awarding to ITEP.

2025 Call for Technology Fee Project Proposals

Proposals are now being accepted for projects to be funded from the Technology Fee. The purpose of the Technology Fee, as defined by Florida Statutes, is to enhance instructional technology resources for students and faculty. Projects funded by this fee fall into two categories, Systemic Projects or Instructional Technology Enhancement Projects (ITEP).

This year, only Systemic Project Proposals are being accepted. Systemic Projects are proposed by operational units of the university for instructional technology enhancements of unit-wide or university-wide scope. Due to limited available funds this year, proposals are limited to no more than $40,000 in requested Technology Fee funding.

To ensure that technology standards and other considerations are addressed, all proposals require ITS review prior to submission. Please see below for additional details, requirements, and appropriate templates for submitting a Systemic Project Proposal. Proposals should be submitted electronically to the Office of the Provost, c/o Brian Whitney (, by 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 21, 2025.

Summary of Steps for Submitting a Technology Fee Project Proposal

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology is available to assist you with drafting a Systemic Project proposal. Dr. Jenae Burkart will be hosting pre-proposal information sessions about the Tech Fee proposal process. She will offer guidance on writing proposals that align current educational technology needs with institutional strategies. The first session will be on December 12, 2024, at 1pm via Zoom.

If you have any questions, please contact Brian Whitney (850.474.3081 or