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Haas Center

The UWF Haas Center supports the region and the state with workforce and survey research, economic impact modeling, and industrial innovation. We partner with UWF students, faculty, and external experts to deliver optimal results to our customers. We tell stories centered around economic data and human experience.

We provide textured, meaningful analysis to an array of customers from the public and non-profit sectors to private industry, including manufacturing. Immersive public laboratories, like Sea3D in Pensacola’s Historic District, showcase what is possible when creative minds intersect with business and workforce partners.
Our market research covers a variety of topics, including economic impact studies, consumer and visitor profiles, as well as research on talent gaps. Our researchers and performance advisors collaborate to bring objective and reliable information to all customers. 

Support the Haas Center Mission

 We rely on funded research and donations to cover the cost of custom research products. Please consider investing in community research by partnering with the UWF Haas Center on grants and contracts or by donating to the Haas Center's UWF Foundation account. Choose "Haas Center" under the 'Select the Designation' drop-down menu.


UWF Athletics Economic Impact

The UWF leadership team tasked the Haas Center with estimating the total economic impact of UWF Athletics on Escambia County, including contributions from football-related activities. The analysis also projects the economic impact associated with constructing the $85.0 million multi-use outdoor facility. All values are presented in constant dollars, and employment related to athletic staff and program growth is shown as an annual average unless stated otherwise. Download the report to learn more.

UWF Athletics Economic Impact Assessment



Haas Center, an EDA University Center

The Haas Center is recognized by the U.S. Economic Development Administration as an EDA University Center - one of two in the state of Florida. As such, the UWF Haas Center will work to promote business development and employment among Florida veterans and under-resourced businesses and startups. Click the link to learn more about our partnership with the EDA.

EDA University Center


High Demand Occupations in Florida's Eight Westernmost Counties

This annual report provides insights on projected growth in high demand occupations between 2022 and 2027. Researchers at the University of West Florida (UWF) Haas Center examined 22 occupational areas and compared regional performance with the state and the nation. We ranked each occupation by median earnings and growth rates spanning five years. Next, we described the top 10 occupational categories with higher-than-median earnings, as well as job growth across the eight westernmost counties in Florida. Lastly, we listed employer demand pertaining to the skills most requested in job postings.

people in computer lab
Download Report