The American Disabilities Act (ADA) defines an individual with a disability who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment.
Disability is a condition caused by an accident, trauma, genetics or disease that may limit an individual's major life activities. An individual may have more than one disability.
Handicap is a physical constraint imposed upon an individual due to a disability.
SAR determines reasonable accommodations after receiving an individual's application reporting a specific disability and receiving medical documentation verifying their disability.
Identifying and Reporting Accommodations:
- Students will need to verify the need for accommodations by self-identifying through submitting an application and supporting medical documentation.
- Students will then complete a registration appointment with a SAR staff member to determine the required accommodations.
- SAR staff member then notifies the faculty members about accommodations through the Accommodate Portal.
No. Disability information is confidential, and students are not required to disclose this information outside of the SAR's office after accommodations are determined.
Please refer the student to our SAR office. The student can register with our office by completing an application on our website, contacting our office by phone at 850.474.2387 , or email sar@uwf.edu or drop by our office, Building 19, Room 100D.
Testing accommodations are changes to the regular testing environment and auxiliary aids and services that allow individuals with disabilities to demonstrate their true aptitude or achievement level on standardized exams or other final testing. If the student requires testing accommodations, the faculty member must provide all testing materials to the SAR's office that will help them proctor the exam. Please see the process below for submitting these materials. If you have questions, please contact our office at 850.474.2387.
How to Send Exams to SAR for Proctored Tests and Exams
- Drop off paper exams at Building 19, Room 100D
- Email scanned exams to sartesting@uwf.edu
- Upload scanned exams in the Accommodate System
SAR returns paper exams via email or on-campus mail, or professors may elect to pick up completed exams from Building 19, Room 100D. Visit our Testing Accommodations site to read more about testing accommodations guidelines.
Testing Accommodation Hours (Building 19, Room 100D)
- Normal Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Final Exams: Contact SAR for testing times.
*If a student has class times outside of these hours, we will reach out individually to schedule a suitable testing time.
The purpose of extended time on exams and quizzes is to ensure that a student’s performance is reflective of the student's mastery of the material rather than the speed at which a student performs. Extra time on timed quizzes and exams affords a corrective for specific disabilities and thus permits a more accurate measure of acquired knowledge.
All class materials should be fully accessible, including required textbooks for class, print materials, and slide presentations. For more information or guidance on how to obtain a fully accessibility course, contact our SAR's office.
You can also review the Faculty Support page through the CTLT Office. You can receive live support through their ZoomRoom (M- Th 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.) with CTLT team members, or you can review the on-demand resources available to you through CTLT's Confluence site.
You must treat all students registered under SAR like any student not performing in your class. Encourage them to visit you during office hours to discuss their performance and provide resources you think would be beneficial to their success. You may also suggest they contact our office to explore other accommodation options. Accommodations are put into place to remove academic barriers for students, but they do not guarantee success.
Don't hesitate to contact our office if you have any concerns at 850.474.2387.