The Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government Faculty Bios and Contact

- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 120
Dr. Adam Cayton, who has a Ph.D. in Political Science, conducts research on representation in Congress, legislative institutions, campaign effects, institutional change and other topics.

- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Dr. Donovan Chau has been affiliated with UWF for the past decade, working in areas such as economic development, innovation, and research engagement, as well as teaching and supervising graduate students.

- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 114
- Personal UWF Website
Dr. Brian Crisher, an associate professor, has written on military capabilities and various aspects of war and politics. Much of his research examines international conflict.

- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 102
Dr. Melissa Dow teaches American Politics and upper-level courses in Government. Her research is largely focused on the intersection of politics, rhetoric, and literature, particularly the ways in which literature shapes citizens and civic life.

- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 106
Dr. Elvis Kim, an assistant professor of comparative politics, studies broad but fundamental questions concerning democratization, social movements, political institutions, and public opinion, with a regional focus on China and East Asia.
World Languages Faculty Bios and Contact

- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 124
Dr. Merry Beth Low, world languages coordinator and instructor of world languages, specializes and holds extensive experience in teaching French and Italian.

- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 117
Kwimi “Takami” Taylor has been an instructor of Japanese with UWF since 2007. Prior to joining UWF, Taylor was an instructor of Japanese at LaGrange College, LaGrange, GA, and Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.
Adjunct Faculty
The Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government Adjunct Faculty Members
Brenton Avery
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailbavery@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Angela Bryan
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailabryan@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Mandy Dagold
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailmdagold@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Ayla Green
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailagreen3@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Erin Jackson
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailejackson1@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Yen-Shan Lien
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742479
- emailylien@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 71, Room 138
John Link
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailjlink@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Doug Mock
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emaildmock@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Aurora Osborn
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742834
- emailaosborn@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 21, Room 115
Jessica Ramm
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailjramm@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Zack Smith
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailzsmith@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 116
Ryan Whiteside
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailraw63@students.uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 123
Emeritus Faculty
The Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government Emeritus Faculty Members:
- William Tankersley, Associate Professor Emeritus, 2015
- William G. Howard, Associate Professor Emeritus, 2006
- Robert Anderson, Associate Professor Emeritus, 2003
- M. Lal Goel, Professor Emeritus, 2003
- David Myers, Professor Emeritus, 2003
- James Witt, Professor Emeritus, 2003
Jeremy Schmuck
- Adjunct
- Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
- phone8504742929
- emailjschmuck@uwf.edu
- Office Location: Building 50, Room 123