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Takami Taylor

  • Position: Lecturer, Japanese
  • Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
  • Office Location: Building 50, Room 133
  • Campus: 850.474.2929


Kwimi “Takami” Taylor has been an instructor of Japanese with UWF since 2007. Prior to joining UWF, Taylor was an instructor of Japanese at LaGrange College, LaGrange, GA, and Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA. 

Taylor is a member of the American Association of Teachers of Japanese and currently serves as a board member of the Association of Florida Teachers of Japanese. She also serves as a Critical Language Scholarship program campus adviser.

She completed the Applied Behavior Analysis Program at UWF. She holds a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) credential. She also holds an American Montessori Society Lower Elementary Credential.

Degrees & Institutions

Taylor received her Master of Arts in Japanese language pedagogy from the Graduate School of Himeji Dokkyo University in Himeji, Japan.

Keywords: Japanese, Board Certified Behavior Analyst