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Claire Holderman

  • Position: Lecturer, Spanish
  • Department: Reubin O'D. Askew Department of Government
  • Office Location: Building 960, Room 273
  • Campus: 850.474.2929


Holderman has a passion for languages and culture. For more than ten years as a college professor, she has taught courses in Spanish, writing, and college success. She has also developed and taught live and online courses for first and second year Spanish students. Through her service, she has shown commitment to diversity in higher education and the importance of giving back to her community.

When she is not teaching, Holderman loves to travel and explore new cultures, as well as playing tennis and spending time with family and friends.


Degrees & Institutions

Holderman received an M.A. from the University of Southern Mississippi in Teaching of Languages (Spanish). 

Current Courses

Holderman specializes in Spanish linguistics and is currently teaching First Year Spanish and Intermediate Reading and Translation at UWF.