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Election Stress Toolkit

Tips and resources to cope with elections and other political issues.

Coping with Election Stress


Limit your consumption of social media and the 24-hour non-stop images. It’s important to stay informed, but creating boundaries is important.

Be present

Use reflection to recognize your inner thoughts and feelings. Be curious and non-judgmental and give yourself permission to feel the way you do. Although avoiding can be useful, “stuffing” or ignoring strong emotions can have negative impacts.


Focus on restoring yourself with rest and healthy food. Drink water and try to limit caffeine. Move a little every day. Take a walk; look at the sky; be in nature. Journal or meditate. Make art or watch funny videos. Read something fun.


Engage with supportive friends and allies. Talk about current issues, if needed, but be aware of when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Not everyone will share your perspective, so it’s OK to limit your topics and avoid heated conflict. Reach out to supportive services on-campus, including CAPS.

Do something

Channel what you’re feeling into positive, meaningful activity. Be informed and proactive around issues that matter to you. Find ways to engage in your community through advocacy in ways that fit for you.

Tips to Reduce Stress During Elections

As Argos continue to be actively engaged citizens, we want to remind our community how they can help manage and reduce stress this election season.

Focus on your well-being

Students are encouraged to take advantage of ArgoWell—a University resource that helps provide education, resources, tools and programming to enhance vital areas of your well-being such as mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health.

Take a break to refuel

It's important to practice self-care. Try finding a healthy escape by channeling what you’re feeling into positive, meaningful activity. UWF Recreation offers several virtual experiences to help.

Seek peer support

Talk to peers about current issues, if needed, but be aware of when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Not everyone will share the same perspective as you, try limiting your topics and avoid heated conflict. Students can also receive and give support to peers anonymously in an online community via TogetherAll.

Share that you voted

As you exercise your right to vote, make sure to share on social media that #ArgosVote! Get UWF voting stickers to use on social media. 

Join the conversation

The Office of Campus Culture and Access's, Campus Culture is committed to supporting and encouraging student's to engage in a full and open discourse and a robust exchange of ideas and perspectives on campus. Visit to join the conversation or submit a topic for an event.

Get involved

Participation in student organizations fosters civic engagement on campus and allows for thoughtful reflection on shared experiences. Explore Argo Pulse for student organizations that give you the opportunity to take action on causes and issues important to you while building skills that can benefit you in the future—including communication, leadership and critical thinking. 

Campus Resources

Building 960, Student Wellness Center

Counseling and Psychological Services

UWF Counseling and Psychological Services offers a variety of remote counseling opportunities including individual and group teletherapy.

Three students walking and laughing together.

Care Services

The Care Services is available to help students experiencing challenging or difficult life circumstances that might impede academic success.