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Scope of Services

This page provides information on the scope of the services provided by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). If you have any questions about this, please call us at 850.474.2420.

CAPS provides initial assessment appointments (called Triage), crisis services, individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, career counseling, and biofeedback. We also provide consultation to faculty, staff, students, and family members of students. Outreach, in the form of providing presentations/workshops, information booths, and larger-scale informational events, is another service we provide to the campus community.

Documentation Requests

CAPS does not write letters of verification for the following:

  • Learning disability
  • Disability due to a mental health diagnosis
  • Verification of the need for an emotional support animal or a comfort animal
  • Appropriateness/eligibility for medical marijuana
  • Recommendations for academic/housing accommodations

CAPS provides brief, short-term counseling. It is outside the scope of our practice to provide the rigorous assessment, diagnostic interviewing, and therapy that is merited when providing these types of documentation. 


If you are under 18 years of age, please be aware that the law requires the written consent of your parent or legal guardian in order for you to participate in counseling. The limit to parental access regarding your participation in counseling can be discussed and clarified on a case-by-case basis, depending on your preferences and needs. In some cases, parents may be contacted if you are assessed to be at high risk of harming yourself or someone else. 

Mandated Counseling

CAPS does not provide mandated, court-ordered counseling.

If a university official refers you to see a counselor, we can meet with you for an initial assessment appointment. Students can also be referred for an alcohol use assessment and feedback session. University officials do not mandate ongoing counseling at CAPS. However, students initially referred by a university official may choose to receive counseling on a voluntary basis.