OUR GEM Program
The Graduate Students as Emerging Mentors (GEM) Program supports graduate students as emerging mentors of undergraduate research.

The Graduate Students as Emerging Mentors Program (GEM) assists graduate students in conducting their research projects through engagement with undergraduate research students. Through the program, OUR will work with graduate students to build mentoring and communication skills and help recruit research assistants. This professional development will help prepare graduate students for future careers, both within and outside academia, and help them finish their research projects on time.
Registration for the 2023 Grad students as Emerging Mentors Program (GEM) Workshop is open through December 8, 2023. For those interested in attending the December 13, 2023 workshop, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/jc3Lr214QSt8w1gd9.
If interested in joining the GEM Program, contact OUR (our@uwf.edu).

- Assistance with graduate student research projects for faster completion
- More marketable for both academic and non-academic positions
- Demonstrated experience in mentoring in:
- Building communication skills
- Building teaching skills
- Building supervisory skills
- Learning your mentoring style and philosophy (great for future job applications!
- Access to OUR funding that supports materials and supplies for undergraduate student research projects
- A new perspective, allowing you to be a better mentee and make the most of your relationship with your faculty research mentor
- Grad Students as Mentors Program Overview - Grad Student Perspective

- Provides mentoring “bridge” between the faculty and undergraduate research students
- Supports your research engagement with more students
- Assistance with your graduate student research projects for faster completion
- Makes your graduate students more marketable for both academic and non-academic positions
- Access to OUR funding that supports materials and supplies for undergraduate student research projects
- Ultimately, the GEM program will help you to build your research program and advance your scholarship!
- Grad Students as Mentors Program Overview - Faculty Perspective

Graduate students who are working on a research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor are eligible to participate in the GEM program. This might include a thesis research project, a capstone project, faculty research that you are working on with a graduate student as a research assistant, research that faculty and their graduate student are preparing for a journal publication or conference presentation, etc.

Interested graduate students should talk to your research faculty mentor about your interest in participating in the GEM program to make sure you have his/her support. To join the GEM Program, please contact OUR (our@uwf.edu).

- One-day graduate student workshop to get started
- Wednesday, December 13, 8:30 am -1:30 pm
- Recruitment of undergraduate research assistants -- throughout Spring 2024
- GEM research (undergrads working on grad student research projects) -- throughout Spring 2024
- Additional graduate student workshops, meetings, and community engagement -- TBD based on the interest of graduate student participants