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I'm Afraid I'm Failing

Adjusting to college is a different experience for each student. Before you panic, remind yourself that you have overcome many challenges to get to college, and you can overcome this one, too.

First, consider the possibility that you may not actually be failing. Sometimes, you panic, and when you don’t know how you are actually doing in a class, you assume the worst. You may have been used to making higher grades on tests in high school and be shocked by some lower grades on tests or papers now. You may be taking an all-or-nothing view of their performance. This means that you may look at yourself as either being successful with really high grades or being a failure if your grades are lower than you usually expect from yourself. As Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

Research the facts before declaring that you are failing all of your classes. Talk to faculty about your concerns and get a clearer idea about whether you can bring up each course grade. Sometimes, you are surprised to learn you are doing better than you expected. You are also sometimes surprised when you learn of the opportunities you still have to bring up a grade. 

Remind yourself that failure is not permanent. Even if your prediction is correct and you feel unsuccessful in your grades for a semester, this does not mean the pattern has to continue. It may simply mean you need to change how you study in order to meet the demands of the current course load. The failure may be just the bump you needed to realize you can’t rely on the same strategies for studying that you used to pass all of those classes in high school. It may be the wake-up call you need to realize that your college education really matters to you. If you learn from the struggle, it may give you the motivation to set limits with other demands in life and to make the most of the rest of your college education.

Connect with resources. If you are not sure whether or not you will pass your classes for the semester, consult with your faculty advisor. An advisor can help you evaluate whether options such as applying for an incomplete or withdrawing from a course are appropriate for your situation. Seek help from campus support offices, such as Tutoring and Learning Resources or the Center for Academic Success, in order to get back on track with their grades. You could also talk with one of our counselors. A counselor can help you identify the barriers that have been interfering with your academic success. Call us at 850.474.2420 and learn how to get started.