Academic Programs
The University of West Florida offers multiple Undergraduate programs and also has a variety of post-graduate degrees to choose from as well.

Always consult your advisor prior to making any changes to your academic program.
A complete list of majors and minors can be found in the Undergraduate Academic Catalog. Graduate programs can be found in the Graduate Academic Catalog.
Please read UWF’s policies on changing a major found in the University Catalog prior to submitting a Change of Major/Minor (Current Undergraduates). Only the new Program Academic Advisor can submit this electronic form on your behalf. Please see your Advisor for assistance. You should always discuss these changes with your current Advisor so they may offer additional important information that may affect your decision.
Graduate students who wish to change degree programs should contact the Graduate School.
For additional information and instructions on how to change your major, please contact the advisor for the new program. You may search for that department's contact information via MyUWF - Campus Directory.
- Contact the advisor as soon as you know you need to change your major - advisor availability becomes more difficult during registration periods and at the beginning of semesters.
- In order for it to be effective for the semester, the Change of Major request must be submitted before the end of that semester's Drop/Add period.
*Students will not be permitted to declare a double major/dual degree if both majors have the same CIP code. Contact the Office of the Registrar for detailed information.
For departments: Major CICS and Banner codes
Change of Major FAQ
Because there are several levels of approbation, the Office of the Registrar cannot complete the process until all approvals have been received. So, please allow 5-7 business days for the processing and do not submit duplicate forms within this period; it will only complicate and lengthen processing. You will receive UWF student account email confirmation when the change is complete.
After receiving your email confirmation, please contact the department offering your new declaration for advisor assignment. New advising assignments (for majors only) can also be seen in the Advising Status app in MyUWF.
No. Per University policy, students are not permitted to declare/pursue a minor offered by their major department; e.g. Major: Social Work, minor: Social Welfare. Please consult the University Catalog for minor descriptions and requirements.
A Double Major is declared when seeking one degree, e.g. BA, with two separate majors* concurrently, e.g. BA in Psychology, and a BA in Sociology. After successful completion of all requirements for both majors, students will be awarded one degree (e.g. one B.A. or one B.S., etc.) with two majors listed on the diploma and transcript.
A Dual Degree is declared when seeking two different degrees (e.g. BA+BS, BSBA+BA, etc.) and graduating with both simultaneously. After successful completion of all requirements for both majors, students will be awarded two separate diplomas (e.g. BA and BS, etc.).
*Students will not be permitted to declare a Double Major/Dual Degree if both majors have the same CIP code. Majors with the same CIP code generally have different specializations under the same major. Examples of different specializations within the same major are; Major: Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science (B.S.) Specializations: Exercise Science and Sports Management, or Major: Communication Arts (B.A.) - Specializations: Advertising and Public Relations. Contact the Office of the Registrar for further clarification.
Yes, it may prolong your degree completion. Because every student’s situation is unique, all students are highly recommended to speak with an Academic Advisor, review Excess Hour Surcharge legislation (Undergraduates only), and consult Financial Aid if you receive loans or grant.
Academic advisors can assist students in understanding new major/minor requirements, and how earned credit hours can be applicable. Also, using Degree Works, students can use the “What-If” option to process an audit for a program of interest. “What-If?” audits show the requirements for a program and how completed courses will apply to the program of interest. The “What-if” option does not change your major, nor does it guarantee you will be able to graduate in the area you select.