Maritime Field School 2004
Summer Course in Combined Archaeological Field Methods(Maritime & Terrestrial)

Join us this summer as we combine underwater survey and recording in the Pensacola Bay area and on freshwater lakes in the Choctawhatchee River drainage with terrestrial archaeological testing of important sites in the inland reaches of Washington County, Florida. We will begin the summer recording the remains of lumber schooners abandoned along the shore of the Blackwater River and engage in a remote sensing survey of selected Pensacola waterways. Next, we will collect bathymetric data and record submerged cultural resources on inland freshwater lakes and conduct terrestrial archaeological test excavations at pre-Columbian and historic sites. The freshwater lakes survey and terrestrial excavations will be conducted on private lands near Panama City, Florida.
The class will be conducted on the Blackwater River, the Pensacola Bay area, and in an area of Florida's interior sand hills, east of the Choctawhatchee River. We will focus on four important aspects of underwater archaeology (scientific diving, survey, recording, and conservation). The terrestrial component of the field school will concentrate on the methods of excavation (mapping, controlled unit excavation, documentation, and material processing). Transportation to and from UWF to the work sites can be arranged. During the Washington County field work on-site housing will be provided during the week. The class meets Monday through Friday 8 AM - 4 PM. Pensacola area housing can be arranged through UWF if necessary (850) 474-2463.
Dr. John R. Bratten (Maritime Archaeologist/Conservator)
Mr. John C. Phillips (Terrestrial Archaeologist)
Graduate Student supervisors: Paul Sjordal, Lora Holland, Shane Pickett, Sarah White, Brandon Mayo
ANT 4121 Combined Terrestrial and Maritime Field Methods (3-9sh)
ANG 6824 Advanced Archaeological Field Methods (3sh)
May 10 - August 6 (Term A)
Prerequisites: ANT 3101 Principles of Archaeology, ANT 3137 Shipwreck Archaeology or ANT 2100 Introduction to Archaeology (grade of B or better); completion of application for archaeology field school and submit to the instructors or graduate assistants. All application materials, including the letter of recommendation, must be received by April 15, 2004. A maximum of 15 students will be admitted on a first come-first-serve basis. Preference will be given to Anthropology majors. All applicants will be notified of selection no later than April 25, 2004. Send letters and inquires to: Dr. John Bratten, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, Florida 32514.