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Graduate Theses

Graduate students in the UWF Anthropology department have researched a variety of topics both in Pensacola and around the world.

List of Graduate Student Theses
Name Year Thesis Title
Beetzke, David 1996 Spatial Analysis of Cultural Components on the Barrancas Site, 8ES1354
Stringfield, Margo 1996 Wells in Colonial Pensacola, Florida
Chapman II, Ashley 1998 Predictive Model of the Archaeological Remains of the Presidio de Santa Maria de Galve (1689-1722): Results of the First Year of Field Research (1995)
Scott-Ireton, Della 1998 An Analysis of Spanish Colonization Fleets in the Age of Exploration Based on the Historical and Archaeological Investigation of the Emanuel Point Shipwreck in Pensacola Bay, Florida
Harris, Norma 1999 Native Americans of Santa Maria de Galve (1698-1722)
Johnson, Sandra 1999 Pensacola and Franco-Spanish Trade and Interaction on the Northern Gulf
Burns, Jason 2000 The Life and Times of a Merchant Sailor: History and Archaeology of the Norwegian Ship Catharine
Swann, Brenda 2000 Supplies at Presidio Santa Maria de Galve (1698-1713): A Study of the Historical and Archaeological Records
Wilson, Harry 2000 Archaeological Site Transformation Processes and the Spanish Presidio Santa Maria de Galve (1698-1998)
Hunter III, James 2001 A Broken Lifeline of Commerce, Trade and Defense on the Colonial Frontier: Historical Archaeology of the Santa Rosa Island Wreck, and Early Eighteenth-Century Spanish Shipwreck in Pensacola Bay, Florida
Moon, Robert 2001 Life in the Company Town: Bay Point Mill Company and Pinewood, Florida
Mullins, Deborah 2001 Cultural Continuity and Change: A Spanish Creole Family in Antebellum Pensacola, Florida
Parker, Catherine 2001 Foodways and Faunal Remains at Presidio Santa Maria de Galve, 1698-1719: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Pokrant, Marie 2001 The Santa Maria Village: Archaeology and History at First Pensacola, 1698-1719
Pugh, David 2001 A study of iron fasteners from the Emanuel Point Ship
Renacker, George 2001 A Study of Military Architecture for Fort San Carlos de Austria at Santa Maria de Galve
Sims, Cynthia 2001 Searching for women at the Presidio Santa María de Galve : a new approach to examining women through material culture and history
Hill, Rebecca 2002 An Antebellum Frontier Settlement Pattern Study: Conecuh River Valley, Alabama
Moore, Robin 2002 Hamilton's Wreck: an Archaeological and Historical Inquiry into the Regional Maritime Culture of Pensacola, Florida 1900-1920
Rodgers, Ree 2003 Stale Bread and Moldy Cheese: A Historical and Archaeological Study of Sixteenth-Century Foodways at Sea Using Evidence Collected from the Emanuel Point Shipwreck
Amnott, Joel 2004 Anthropology 'Through the Guinness Glass': The Multiple Reflection of Irish Ethnography
Flynt, Elizabeth 2004 A study of households occupied in British and Second Spanish Pensacola, 1763-1821
Raupp, Jason 2004 Hook, Line and Sinker: Historical and Archaeological Investigations of the Snapper Wreck (8SR1001)
Rawls, John 2004 Time and Tide Wait for No One: The History and Archaeology of the British Bark, Rhoda
Rosborough, Leigh 2004 Settlers and Slaves: A Spatial Analysis of a Colonial and Antebellum Mill Community in Escambia County, Florida
Thole, David 2004 Creation Versus Evolution: An Ethnographic Perspective
Williams, Carrie 2004 Land Use at the Site of Old Christ Church, Pensacola, Florida
Moates, Jeffrey 2005 East Bound and Down: History and Archaeology of the S.S. Florida, a Mid-Nineteenth-Century Sidewheel Steamboat
Provenzali, Jorge 2005 Senas: New Spain's Mayolica Maker's Marks
Whitaker, April 2005 History and Archaeology at Plaza Ferdinand an Analysis of Spanish and British Colonial Lifeways
Gordon, Marissa 2006 Spatial Organization of Presidio Isla de Santa Rosa (1722-1752)
Holland, Lora 2006 Maritime Technology in Transition: Historical and Archaeological Investigations of the Schooner Barge Geo. T. Lock (8SR1491)
Martinkovic, Mark 2006 Patterns in the Piney Woods: Naval Stores Site Catchment Analysis and Predictive Model, Washington County, Florida
White, Sarah 2006 Lithic Production Trajectories and Pre-Columbian Settlement Patterns in the Northwest Florida Interior
Eschbach, Krista 2007 An Examination of Eighteenth Century Spanish Colonial Socio-Economics as Seen at Presidio Isla de Santa Rosa
Hamann, Nicole 2007 Forging an Atlantic World: an Historical Archaeological Investigation of African-European Trade in Metalwares
Jordan-Greene, Krista 2007 A Maritime Landscape of Deadman's Island and Old Navy Cove
Sjordal, Paul 2007 The History and Archaeology of Ship Abandonment at Shields Point
Battaglia, Sarah Ann 2008 A Precolumbian Cultural History of the Interior of Northwest Florida
Chapman, Christine Kimberly 2008 Silencing the Radical: Rape Prevention and the Rape Crisis Movement
Collis, James 2008 Empire's Reach: A Structural and Historical Analysis of the Emanuel Point Shipwreck
Furlong, Mary 2008 Expressions of Religion and Ideology in the Material Culture of Pensacola's Presidios Santa Maria de Galve and Isla de Santa Rosa
Laracuente, Nicolas 2008 An Analysis of Spanish Pensacola as a Behavioral Landscape
Pickett, Shane 2008 Harbor kings : analysis of Shields Point wreck #5 using a world systems perspective
Sommerkamp, Cindy 2008 Along the Pathway of Souls: An Iconographic Analysis of the Hickory Ridge Cemetery Site (8ES1280) in Pensacola, Florida
Greene, James 2009 Architectural Variations in Pensacola's Three Presidios
Hopwood, Lisa 2009 Glass Trade Beads from an Elmina Shipwreck: More than Pretty Trinkets
Jex, Chie 2009 Social conformity and nationalism in Japan
Roberts, Amanda 2009 Secret Exchange: Alternative Economies of Presidios Santa Maria de Galve and Isla de Santa Rosa
Rooney, Sean 2009 Thin Description: Seeking Diversity in Middle East Studies
Kennedy, Kendra 2010 Between the Bayous: The Maritime Cultural Landscape of the Downtown Pensacola Waterfront
Lawrence, Colleen 2010 An Analysis of Plant Remains from the Emanuel Point Shipwrecks
Lopez, Tomas 2010 Themes Influencing the Future of Booth Rental in Hair Salons
Mavrick, Christine 2010 An Assessment of Waterlogged Wood Conservation Techniques for Little Salt Spring (8SO18): An Archaic Mortuary Pond
Mickwee, Christopher 2010 Wakulla in the Sandhills: Analysis of Late Weeden Island Site in the Northwest Florida Interior Uplands
Shidner, Ashley 2010 An Evaluation of Techniques to Determine Handedness Derived from a Documented Skeletal Collection
Williams, Siska 2010 Tracing the Trade: A Proposed Archaeological Model for Panton, Leslie, and Company Trade Site Types in Second Spanish Florida
Abrahamson, Wayne 2011 Whiskey and Window Panes: The Archaeological Investigation of a Side-wheel Steamboat at Seminole, Alabama
Borgen, Linda Suzanne Cecelia 2011 Prelude to Rebellion: Diego de Rebolledo vs. Lucas Menendez in Mid-17th Century Florida
James, Larry Bernie, Jr. 2011 Hidden Vestiges: An Approach to Recognizing an 18th Century Historic Landscape within an Urban Environment
Melcher, Jennifer 2011 More than just copies : colono ware as a reflection of multi-ethnic interaction on the 18th century Spanish frontier of West Florida
Shidner, Jacob 2011 A Macro- and Microscopic Zooarchaeological Examination of Living Conditions Aboard the Emanuel Point Wrecks
Tumbleson Morris, Nicole 2011 USS Narcissus: The Role of the Tugboat in the American Civil War
Bonomo Lipson, Nicole Marie 2012 An Investigation into the Identity and Location of the 1882 Yellow Fever Epidemic Victims in Pensacola, Florida
Goldhamer, Tiffany L. 2012 A River in Name Only: Assessing Submerged Historic Resources in Kentucky Lake
Griffin, Lea Michelle 2012 Voodoo in New Orleans: The Identity of a City and the Reality of Her Religion
Holmes, April 2012 Demographic Patterns at Presidios Santa Maria de Galve and Isla de Santa Rosa (1698-1752): An Analysis of Historical Documents and Personal Adornment Artifacts
Johnson, Patrick 2012 Apalachee Agency on the Gulf Coast Frontier
Mabelitini, Charles 2012 The Hammock Landing Battery and the Confederate Defenses of the Apalachicola River, Florida
Marr, Andrew 2012 An Investigation of Lead Sheathing Recovered from Two 16th Century Iberian Shipwrecks Located in Pensacola Bay
Napolitano, Matthew 2012 The Role of Back-Barrier Islands in the Native American Economies of St. Catherines Island, Georgia
Perrine, Rachel Laura DeVan 2012 Bourbon Field: Preliminary Investigations of a Barrier Island Plantation Site, Sapelo Island, Georgia.
Perrine, Wesley 2012 The B Street Schooner: Archaeological Investigation into Ship Construction and Design of a Nineteenth-Century Shipwreck in Pensacola Bay, Florida
Wampler, Morgan 2012 The Social Identity of the Crew of the Nuestra Senora del Rosario y Santiago Apostal
Cochran, Lindsey 2013 Game Theory Methods in Archaeological Research: A Case Study at the Simpson Lot of Arcadia Mills Florida
Dewey, Christopher 2013 A Tale of Two Shipwrecks: the Confederate Schooner William H. Judah and the U.S. Steamer Convoy
Foster, Marisa 2013 Paradox on the blackwater river the history of an unknown shipwreck
Grinnan, Joseph 2013 Molino Mills Maritime Cultural Landscape of a Reconstruction Era Steam Powered Sawmill in Molino, Florida
Linden, Sarah 2013 Materials of conquest a study using portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometry in the metallurgical analysis of two sixteenth-century Spanish expeditions
Patterson, Sarah Elizabeth 2013 Using Cemetery Data to Reconstruct Immigration and Migration Patterns: St. Michael's Cemetery, Pensacola, Florida
Poole, Stephanie Laura 2013 The Lady of the Lake and Historic Tourism in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire
Rosenberg Marshall, Nicole Marie 2013 An Examination of Possible Mass Burials in Pensacola, Florida's Historic St. Michael's Cemetery
Sams, Adrianne 2013 Arcadia Mill Village: Spatial Analysis of a Nineteenth Century Industrial Community
Sorset, Irina Tidmarsh 2013 Maritime Heritage Trails as Public Outreach Tools: An Ethnographic Model for the Apalachicola River, Florida
Sorset, Scott Ryan 2013 A Comparison of Ceramics from the Padre Island and Emanuel Point Shipwrecks, 2013
Timo, Melissa 2013 "Back home to econfina": Maintenance of African American memory and landscape at the Gainer Historical Cemetery
Bennett, Sarah 2014 Cultural Crossroads and Other Complexities: Examining Creolization at Nuestra Senora de Rosario de la Punta, St. Augustine, Florida
Brewer, Katherine 2014 Engendered Death: A Comprehensive Analysis of Identity in the Mission System of 17th Century Spanish Florida
Bucchino, Nicole 2014 Talking Smack: The Archaeology and History of Pensacola's Red Snapper Fishing Industry
Chandler, Tonya 2014 An Archaeological and Historical Study of Fort Hampton, Limestone County, Alabama
Cullen, Amanda Lawson 2014 Positive Spaces: An Ethnographic Assessment of the Influence of the Internet on LGBT Identity
Dadiego, Danielle 2014 Spanish Frontiers: A Study of Social and Economic Exchange Networks Present in 18th Century Spanish Missions
Ebenal, Christina Estep 2014 Applying Anthropology to Fantasy: A Structural Analysis of The Lord of the Rings
Gifford, Erica 2014 Organic and Inorganic Chemical Characteristics of Artifacts from the Emanuel Point Shipwrecks
Gifford, Matthew 2014 Everything is Ballast: An Examination of Ballast Related Practices and Ballast Stones from the Emanuel Point Shipwrecks
Haddock, Daniel 2014 Where Fire Meets Water: Archaeological Investigations of the Centerboard Schooner
McNiven, Jennifer 2014 The Question of Anomalies in Slave Archaeology: Evidence from an Antebellum Industrial Site
McGuire, Kelsey 2014 They Are Rich Only by the Sea: Testing a Model for Calusa Salvage of 16th and Early 17th Century Spanish Shipwrecks
Rodgers, Jacqueline 2014 Virtue Lost: Utilizing Previously Excavated Collections to Study the Red Light District of Pensacola, Florida.
Swanson, Eric 2014 A World War II Merchant Marine Battlefield in the Gulf of Mexico: Analysis of the S.S. R.W. Gallagher and the S.S. Cities Service Toledo Using 3D Modeling, Physics and Battlefield Archaeology
Thomas, Rylan 2014 Industrial Slavery at Arcadia Mill: An Historical and Archaeological Investigation
Walls, Lauren 2014 You Know the Place: Identifying a Special Use Site in a Region of Enduring Biotic Richness
Harrenstein, Tristan 2015 Overwhelmed with Possibilities: Interpreting Archaeological and Other Heritage Resources in Urban Areas
Hawley, Allison 2015 Where the Children Lie: A Demographic and Spatial Analysis of Two Santa Rosa County Cemeteries
Keohane, Colin 2015 Of Schipes, al the World at Ones: The Significance of John Cower's Use of Maritime Vocabulary in Confessio Amantis
Pigott, Michelle 2015 The Apalachee After San Luis: Discussing Cultural Hybridization Through Ceramic Practice
Rutledge, Robert 2015 The McDavid Boat
Taylor, Robert 2015 Persistence of Memory: Reoccupation of a Late Archaic Logistics Camp in Pensacola, Florida
Wells, Benjamin 2015 A Light in the Dark: Illuminating the Maritime Past of the Blackwater River
Wilson, William 2015 Formation Processes of Ship Sites in the Blackwater River, Santa Rosa County, Florida
Bibby, Gloria 2017 La Quinceanera: Making Ethnic and Gender Identity in Northwest Florida
Derlikowski, Andrew 2017 The Life and Death of a Nineteenth-Century Single-Screw Steamer, City of Tampa
Harding, Gregg 2017 Fort Walton Culture and Cultural Change in the Upper Chipola River Basin
McMahon, Patricia 2017 A Study of the First Spanish Occupation of the Old Christ Church Site (8ES49b) in Downtown Pensacola, Florida
Holmstrom, Jane 2018 Moving to Medieval Berlin: Understanding Migration Using Skeletons and Historical Records
James, Cody 2018 Mapping Colonial Strategies: A Comparison of British and Spanish Pensacola
Marionneaux, Arlice 2018 Assessment of an Edgetech 6205 Multi Phase Echo Sounder on Submerged Archaeological Sites in Northwest Florida
Mauro, Nicole 2018 Final Flight: On-site Survey of an F6F Hellcat and a Commemoration of WWII Aircraft
Newton, Matthew 2018 Using Geomorphic Data to Model Prehistoric Archaeological Site Occurrences along Blackwater River, Santa Rosa County, Florida
Okray, Jillian 2018 Sister Sawmills: an Historical and Archaeological Analysis of Households and Socioeconomic Status at Two Second Spanish Period Sawmills
Preston, JodiLyn 2018 Looking Through the Glass: Booker Fish Camp, an Archaeological Investigation
Sappington, Ericha 2018 Facilitating Trade on the Florida Frontier: An Historical and Archaeological Analysis of Fort San Marcos de Apalache, 1639-1821
Simpsiridis, Stella 2018 Death in the Port City: A Look at Gravestones, Religion, and Status in Mobile, Alabama's Church Street Graveyard
Sims, Katherine 2018 Home is Where the Artifacts Are: an Analysis of a 19th Century Cabin at Arcadia Mill in Milton, Florida
Sappington, Ericha 2018 Facilitating Trade on the Florida Frontier: An Historical and Archaeological Analysis of Fort San Marcos de Apalache, 1639-1821
Voas, Maddeline 2018 An examination of weaning and childhood paleodiet in Bögöz, Transylvania, using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis
Atwell, Ashley 2019 Infant Mortality and Structural Determinants of Health in Northwest Florida
Brazelton, Elizabeth 2019 The Resilient Warrior: A Lakota Ethnography in Hemp Economics
Mumford, Meghan 2019 A Tale of Two Early Jails: Using a Curational Research Approach to Study the Colonial and Antebellum Jails of Pensacola, Florida
Mateja, Cyndal 2019 Patterns and Practice: Lead Glazed COarse Earthenwares of the Luna Settlement and Fleet
Van Slyke, Andrew 2019 From Who’s Afraid to Yo Solo: The Hunt for HMS Mentor
Whitehead, Hunter 2019 Lost at Sea: Utilizing Photogrammetry to Monitor Two Submerged F8F Bearcats
Burkhard, Austin 2020 Shipwreck Tagging Archaeological Management Program (STAMP): A Model for Coastal Heritage Management Based on Community Engagement and Citizen Science
Dietrich, Emily 2020 Another Brick in the Wall: A Pedagogical Approach to Excavations at a 19th-Century Brickyard
DuBose, Michael 2020 St. Joseph’s Seamen’s Cemetery: An Investigation of a Cemetery Section for Red Snapper Fishermen
Foster, Elaine 2020 Gravestone Choices: An Examination and Analysis of the Gravestones of the Mare Island Naval Cemetery
Hartley, Stephanie 2020 A Hierarchy of Expert Performance as Applied to Forensic Anthropology
Henderson, Kad 2020 Mahogany and Iron: The Construction of the Nuestra Señora del Rosario y Santiago Apóstol
Hines, Rachel 2020 Cemeteries as Classrooms: Making Archaeology Education Relevant, Accessible, and Sustainable
Patterson, Brianna 2020 Scorched Sawmills: Effects of a Confederate Raid on the Lumber Industry of West Florida
Roy, Michael 2020 Abandon All Ships!: Economic Changes and Their Relation to Intentional Vessel Abandonment at the Shields Point Cove
Bleuel, Casey 2021 Ropa, Herramientas, y Armas: Comparison of the Material Assemblages of 16th-Century Spanish Probate Records to the Artifact Assemblages at the Luna Settlement Site and the Emanuel Point I Shipwreck
Boren, Courtney 2021 An Examination of Pensacola Archaeological Culture and the Use of BOSL for Interpreting Pensacola Ceramic Chronologies in the Pensacola Bay Region of Northwest, Florida
Elmore, John Robert III 2021 I Can Barrel-Ly Contain Myself: Identifying Types of Wooden Casks Within the Emanuel Point II Artifact Assemblage
Hutson, Allison 2021 Comparisons of mortuary data and demography for AME Zion cemetery and the Poor Farm in Pensacola, Florida
Baggett, Jenni 2022 The Manly Mound Site: Analysis of a Middle Woodland Coastal Mound Site in Northwest Florida
London, Brittaney 2022 Using a Collections Management Policy as a Method to Alleviate a Curation Crisis
Plasencia, Enrique 2022 Skeletal Markers of Stress: Investigating Possible Migrant Remains in a South Florida Cold-Case Sample
Strasheim, Ariana 2022 Validating the Use of Osteoarthritis as an Indicator of Age in Human Skeletal Remains
Walkup, Taylor 2022 Does Embodied Violence Impact Forensic Anthropological Age Estimation? Investigating Skeletal Indicators of Biological “Weathering” in Modern U.S. Individuals
Wallace, Kara 2022 The Butcherpen Mound Complex (8SR29): Tracking Local Cultural Transitions Through Spatial Distribution Patterning on a Dynamic Coastal Landscape in Northwest Florida
Ashbrook, Megan 2023 "Our Little Society, Endeavored to Be as Social as Possible": Civilian Women and Ceramic Vessels in British Pensacola
Bolte, Christina 2023 “There They Went to Die, and Some Returned:” Mexica-Tenochca Indigenous Allies, Neutron Activation Analysis, and the 1559-1561 Luna Settlement Effort in Pensacola, Florida
Cabrera, Kevin 2023 Isotopic Evidence of Gender? Using Isotopic Data to Read Gendered Experiences of Diet at the Classic Maya Site of Copan, Honduras
Ganas, Katherine 2023 Let's Talk Form: Using Vessel Form Analysis to Identify Galley Provisioning Patterns on Spanish Ships in the 16th Century
Gazaway, James 2023 Colonial Numismatic Archaeology of the Gulf Coast: With a Special Focus on the Sites Around Mobile and Pensacola
Howell Franklin, Lindsey 2023 A Stitch in Time: Unraveling Vasa’s Nålbundna Textiles
Jolly, Hillary 2023 Mississippianization and Late Woodland Resistance: An Analysis of a Wakulla Shell Midden on Pensacola Bay
Kinison, George 2023 Coosa Women and Household Lithic Production: Analyzing Gendered Activity Areas at the King Site (9FL5)
Martinez, Ilaisah 2023 Analyzing the Language Used Within Forensic Anthropology Population Affinity Reporting
McMillon, Emily 2023 Of Rodents, Roots, and Men: Evaluating the Effects of Pedoturbation on Artifacts at the Tristán De Luna Settlement Site
Oeters, Rikki 2023 Sands of Time: Bathymetric History of the Emanuel Point Shipwreck Area
Peacock, Caroline 2023 From Olive This: A Characterization of the Spanish Olive Jar in Mid-16th Century New Spain
Ramey, Preya 2023 Faculty and Staff Perspectives and Awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the University Setting
Seymour, Spencer 2023 Power Through Compassion: An Ethnographic Study of Contemporary Western Christian Medical Missions
Stone, Abigail 2023 Finding Women in Their Lost Possessions: Personal Artifacts at the Luna Settlement
Brown, Taylor 2024 Identifying Archaeological Evidence of Resistance to Prohibition in Pensacola, Florida
Pennington, Meagan 2024 Age Estimation Using Dental Development and Long Bone Lengths for the Children in the Late Classic Maya Civilization
Santiago, Tiffany 2024 The Paleopathology of Migrants to the Ancient City of Copan During the Late Classic Period
Talbert, Emily 2024