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Welcome to the Student Organizations Frequently Asked Questions page! We have divided our most commonly asked questions into four separate sections to make it easier to find the answers you are looking for.

1. How many student organizations are there at the University of West Florida?

There are more than 100 organizations at the University of West Florida. Check out Argo Pulse, our online database for student organizations to browse organizations and request to join! Use your myUWF username and password to log in and view even more information.

2. What types of student organizations are at UWF?

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), Fraternities and Sororities, Departmental Organizations, and Sports Clubs. Within RSOs, there are six categories:

  • Academic or Honor Society
  • Advocacy and Service
  • Culture- or Identity-Based
  • Faith- or Belief-Based
  • Professional or Academic
  • Special Interest

3. What are the benefits of becoming a member of a student organization?

Student organizations foster valuable experiences, friendship and a sense of belonging to the University community! Join a student organization to explore your interests and determine what you enjoy and how you like spending your time. It’s a great, low-risk way to help you identify a potential major! Experience in student organizations will help you build critical thinking, communication and teamwork skills, which are called "transferable skills" and are desirable for most future employers. Employers see that you are able to successfully balance your academics with extracurricular activities and that you are a well-rounded candidate. Additionally, finding the student version of a professional association in your career of choice can be an excellent networking tool, even if you are a distance learner.

4. Does the University of West Florida have Fraternity and Sorority Life?

Yes! To see which fraternities and sororities are active at UWF, visit

5. How do I join a student organization?

You can request to join most student organizations through Argo Pulse. You will see a link to Join Organization on the organization's homepage toward the top. Be aware that some organizations have membership requirements; therefore, you may want to contact the Primary Contact individual of the organization. You can contact them through Argo Pulse messaging or enter their name in UWF Gmail. You might also want to meet the members before joining an organization; there are two student organization fairs each year, toward the beginning of each semester (fall/spring).

6. There are so many organizations. How do I know which one is right for me?

Our online database, Argo Pulse, will recommend organizations to you based on keywords you enter into the search bar. You might want to join organizations that directly connect with your major. If you're not yet at that point of knowing your major, consider other organizations that align with some of your hobbies and interests. For more information, please email

7. Can part-time, commuter and graduate students join student organizations?

Yes! But some organizations have membership requirements, so check with the specific organization. Student organization membership is a great way to get the most out of your experience and strengthen your connection to UWF!

1. What is Argo Pulse?

Argo Pulse is an online database system that is developed and managed by a company called Presence. It supports registered student organization (RSO) administration through the development of electronic forms and processes, as well as a process management system that can be configured to include multiple levels of approval when appropriate.

Additionally, it provides RSOs with a secure website that is edited using a what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editor. Stakeholders in this project include student leaders, students, faculty/staff, campus administrators and alumni.

2. What is my username and password for Argo Pulse?

All students, faculty and staff have access to Argo Pulse! Simply use your MyUWF username and password to sign on, browse student organizations, build your profile and access campus-wide events. Generic usernames and passwords will NOT allow you to log in; ITS Central Authentication requires individuals to log in with their individual accounts

3. How do I update my organization’s roster or add/remove an officer?

Organizations have the ability and responsibility to keep their organization’s roster and officer list up to date. To do so, you must log in to Argo Pulse. Next, you must select “Admin Dashboard” from the top right menu. Then, click on the organization under Manage and Organizations. From your organization's page you will select the Pencil button at the top right. Edit any information that is incorrect. At the bottom you will see the Officer/Member roster. You can add new members, change current members to Former status, and change the type of member or officer. Once done please select Submit for Approval at the top of the page.

4. How do I delete my membership in an organization I am no longer active in?

Students can request to be removed from an organization one of two ways. The first is to go to the page of the organization they joined. To the left of the join button is a button that says "Contact". This will open up a window allowing them to send a request to be removed from the org. The second way would be to email and ask to be removed from the organization.

5. How do I submit an event form on Argo Pulse?

All events must be registered via EMS! Once your event has been submitted and approved through EMS, you may use the Event Form on Argo Pulse to promote your organization's event. Events promoted through Argo Pulse must be events that are opened to the campus community (i.e. not chapter meetings or member only events). Log on to Argo Pulse using your MyUWF username and password. At the top of the page, click on the organization for which you wish to submit an event. If you have a position that gives you access, you will click on Forms and then select the Student Organization Event Form. Complete form and submit. To check on your pending form, click Forms and then View My Submissions.

1. How can student organizations get funding to host campus-wide events, travel, etc.?

Registered student organizations may request money through Student Government Association Budget and Allocations Committee. Student Organizations may request funding through the annual budget process or may apply for an organizational grant. For resources and more information, visit Please email Pam Marg (, if you have questions. Student organizations may also hold fundraising events on campus. For information, please see the Fundraising Policy in the Important Policies section.

2. Who can be an advisor?

Advisors must be on campus, full-time, salaried faculty, professional or approved staff members. Graduate students may not serve as primary advisors but may serve as a secondary advisor to an organization. For more information, see the Advisors in the Important Policies section.

3. What is the role of the advisor?

Advisors serve various roles including mentor, facilitator, guide, and resource. To learn more about being a student organization advisor, please consider attending the Student Organization Advisor Workshop during the fall/spring semester. For more information, please email You may also read through the Advisors in the Important Policies section.

1. How can student organizations get money to host campus-wide events, travel, etc.?

Student organizations may request money through the Student Government Association Budget and Allocations Committee. Student Organizations may request funding through the annual budget process or may apply for an organizational grant. For resources, visit the Student Government website. For more information, email

2. How do I spend the money allocated to my organization through the SGA annual budget allocations?

Visit the SGA website for resources. For more information, you may email

3. Are there requirements to remain an active registered student organization?

Yes. Registered student organizations must have at least five active student members, a faculty/ staff advisor and have up-to-date information in the organization’s Argo Pulse page. In addition, organizations must renew the organization’s information (roster, officers, etc.) on Argo Pulse at least once each academic year. Visit the Renewing Student Organizations section of our website for detailed information.

4. Where do we go to reserve space on campus?

All reservation and event registrations go through EMS. EMS can be found through the MyUWF app. This process must be completed by an officer of the student organization, the organization must be registered to have access to EMS.

5. Does the University provide banner paper?

Yes. Registered student organizations are eligible to receive up to five sheets of banner paper per semester to be obtained at the Service Desk in the University Commons (Building 22).

6. Where do we register sheet banners?

At the Service Desk in the University Commons (Building 22).

7. Who should I contact for assistance, guidance, and resources?

You have some options, depending on your inquiry. You may simply need to seek advice from fellow organization members, previous officers who have been in the organization longer than you, or your student organization advisor! The University Commons & Student Engagement website offers a slew of information, as well. The Student Organization website offers general information, resources, leadership programs, upcoming events, and contact information for the Student Engagement team. The Student Engagement team is also here to serve you! Make an appointment or stop by the Student Engagement office located in University Commons Room 244 (Building 22, Room 244) by emailing

8. How do I update my registered student organization's Argonet account (primary email address)?

  1. Email and let them know your needs for this Argonet account. They will email you back asking for the details and will then contact ITS to make these changes. will email you when the changes have been made.
  2. Once you receive that email, you have account access and should update your RSO Argonet account password. Be sure to update your account password every time you update your RP list. To do this:
    1. Log into MyUWF at
    2. In the Search field, search for My Account
    3. Choose the My Account app.
    4. Under the Argonet Account section on the left side of the page, select your organization's Argonet account name from the Working with: drop-down menu.
    5. Click on the View Password or Change Password link.

9. How can I get an Argonet account for my organization?

Email and they will reach out to you to set this up.