RSO Handbook
Welcome to the UWF Registered Student Organization (RSO) Handbook, a comprehensive guide designed to support and empower you as student leaders at our esteemed institution.
Download the RSO Handbook
Table of Contents
- About Student Engagement
- About Student Organization Council
- Other Important Dates
- Benefits of Getting Involved
- RSO Sub-Council Ambassador Program
- New Student Organization Registration
- Re-Registration Process for Active Student
- Organizations
- Student Leader Eligibility & Accountability
- RSO Advisor Information
- Funding for Student Organizations, Engagement Points, and Travel Information
- Student Organization Policies
- ARGO PULSE Expectations & Requirements
About Student Engagement
Student Engagement fosters students’ development, connection to the campus community and collegiate success by offering a range of programs, services, and opportunities supportive of an engaging and dynamic campus life.
We believe a connected, dynamic, and vibrant campus life supports students’ success and well-being. We seek to offer extraordinary events and experiences that promote students’ retention and persistence to graduation by way of high-impact experiences, social integration, and institutional commitment.
We are the home of 100+ registered student organizations and the online hub for involvement opportunities at UWF, known as ARGO PULSE. Each one of our staff members specializes in a different area to prioritize and ensure the learning, growth, success, and positive experience of all students.
Our office is located on the second floor of the Commons: Building 22, Room 244. Stop in and see us anytime!
Student Organization Council
Welcome to the UWF Registered Student Organization (RSO) Handbook—a comprehensive guide designed to support and empower you on your journey as student leaders at our esteemed institution. Within these pages, you will find essential resources, policies, and guidelines to help you navigate the exciting world of student organizations.
Central to our commitment to student empowerment is the Student Organization Council (SOC), a dedicated body tasked with overseeing and supporting an array of student organizations on campus. Comprised of representatives from various student groups, SOC serves as the governing body of student organizations, providing leadership, resources, and advocacy to ensure the success and sustainability of student organizations. SOC aims to help improve collaboration between student organizations, grow our RSO community, and cultivate an active campus culture.
In this handbook, you will find valuable information about SOC's role, responsibilities, and processes, as well as guidance on how to engage with SOC to enhance your organization's impact and effectiveness. Whether you are seeking guidance on event planning, funding opportunities, or leadership development, SOC is here to support you every step of the way.
SOC encourages you to make full use of the resources and support available to you through SOC, Student Engagement, and other university channels. We are very excited to kick off our inaugural year with you all. Go Argos!
SOC Roles & Responsibilities
SOC serves as a hub for fostering an engaged and vibrant campus community. Comprising dedicated student leaders, SOC is committed to enhancing the university experience through various initiatives and programs as well as improving the processes and policies governing RSOs.
- Managing ARGO PULSE: SOC oversees ARGO PULSE, the central platform for all registered student organizations (RSOs). By managing this platform, SOC ensures seamless communication and coordination among RSOs by approving registered events, officer check-ins, and community feed posts.
- Creating Sub-Councils and Facilitating the Ambassador Program: SOC initiates and supports the establishment of sub-councils within student organization categories. Additionally, through the Ambassador Program, SOC promotes collaboration and networking among RSOs, fostering a sense of unity and community across campus.
- Hosting Social Events: SOC organizes a variety of social events tailored to the interests and needs of RSOs. These events provide valuable opportunities for networking, sharing ideas, and strengthening bonds within the student body.
- Leadership Development: SOC is committed to nurturing leadership skills and qualities among all students. Through workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs, SOC empowers students to become effective leaders within their respective organizations and the broader community.
- Highlighting and Appreciating RSOs: SOC recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments and contributions of RSOs. By highlighting their work through various channels and platforms, SOC showcases the talents and achievements of student organizations, inspiring others and creating a culture of appreciation and recognition.
Overall, SOC is dedicated to building a dynamic campus community. By promoting collaboration, leadership development, and appreciation of student organizations, SOC strives to create a campus environment where every student feels empowered, connected, and valued.
SOC Council Meetings
Every month, SOC hosts a council meeting in the Commons Nautilus Chamber (Building 22, Room 255) for Sub-Council Ambassadors and members of the RSO community to attend. These council meetings will update members on deadlines, policies, events, and new opportunities. The Sub-Council Ambassadors will also have the opportunity to share updates within their respective sub-councils.
Participating in council meetings isn't just about staying informed. It's also a space to actively shape campus life. If your student organization has an upcoming event to promote or any pressing matter to discuss, reach out to your Sub-Council Ambassador or the SOC President for scheduling. You can contact your Sub-Council Ambassador via your Sub-Council ARGO PULSE group chat or view the UWF Student Organization webpage.
These meetings provide a vital platform for students to collaborate, propose initiatives, and ensure that SOC remains responsive to the evolving needs of the student body.
Get Involved with SOC
SOC's main focus is hosting leadership development workshops and creating opportunities for students to network with other RSOs and be active on campus. We are here to help you grow as a leader and connect with fellow organizations, making your campus experience richer and more fulfilling. If you have not found your organization yet, we are here to help!
Leadership Development
Leadership development is crucial for empowering students to become effective leaders in both their academic and personal lives. SOC prioritizes this growth by offering a mandatory SOLD (Student Organization Leadership Development) workshop at the start of the year, equipping students with essential skills and knowledge. Throughout the year, we continue this journey with a series of workshops to provide comprehensive and enriching leadership experiences.
Network and Socialize
SOC heard your feedback about the desire to network with other RSOs. To achieve this, we are introducing a series of social events aimed at bringing students together, breaking comfort zones and sparking new connections. Each semester, SOC will host a grand mixer or recognition event, complemented by smaller gatherings throughout the year. Join us as we cultivate an environment where students can have fun, forge meaningful relationships, and enrich their college experience.
Visit Argo Pulse for registration information.
Event | Event Details | Description |
Spring Student Involvement Fair | January 15 12-2 p.m. Cannon Green |
Did your organization miss out on Argopalooza? No worries! Register for a spot at our annual Spring Student Involvement Fair! Market your RSO to new and returning students to start the year off with a bang! |
MLK Day of Service and Breakfast Program | January 16 9:30-11 a.m. |
The day will start at 9:30 a.m. in the Commons Auditorium with a free breakfast and program featuring special community guest speakers, performers, and campus partners. Then, we will leave campus and venture out into our local community for a day of giving back as we honor Dr. King's legacy. Sign up to participate in the day of service on Argo Pulse. |
Council Meeting | January 22 4-5 p.m. Nautilus Chamber |
SOC Council Meetings review updates on RSOs and upcoming events. All students are welcome to attend. |
Nautilus Leadership Summit | February 5 5-8 p.m. Conference Center |
Join the Office of Student Engagement and SOC for the first-ever Nautilus Leadership Summit. The Summit will feature inspiring speakers, interactive workshops, and opportunities to connect with peers while exploring essential student leadership skills. Together, we'll foster growth, collaboration, and innovative ideas to enhance campus involvement and community impact. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your leadership journey and earn a Certificate in Leadership. Register today on Argo Pulse. |
Council Meeting | February 12 4-5 p.m. Nautilus Chamber |
SOC Council Meetings review updates on RSOs and upcoming events. All students are welcome to attend. |
SOC Social | February 17 4-6 p.m. TBD |
Come hang out with SOC and other student organizations to meet and mingle as we all relax and recharge for the busy semester ahead. |
Council Meeting | March 26 4-5 p.m. Nautilus Chamber |
OC Council Meetings review updates on RSOs and upcoming events. All students are welcome to attend. |
Student Involvement Awards | April 9 6-8 pm Museum of Commerce |
This formal, invitation-only event honors outstanding student leaders and organizations through a competitive application and interview process. Celebrate excellence and the vibrant spirit of UWF! To apply for your awards, please visit the SOC Argo Pulse page. |
Council Meeting | April 14 TBD TBD |
SOC Council Meetings review updates on RSOs and upcoming events. All students are welcome to attend. |
End of Year Student Organization Mixer | April 16 5-7 p.m. Commons Patio |
Join SOC in celebrating the end of an amazing year for student organizations. Come hang out, grab a bite to eat, and relax with other student organizations. Open to all students! |
For updates on events and information on pop-ups, follow SOC and the Office of Student Engagement on Instagram (@uwfengagement). You can check our ARGO PULSE event calendar as well.
Benefits of Getting Involved
There are many benefits of being involved in a Student Organization at UWF. Some of the benefits include learning leadership skills, exploring different academic subjects, learning new sports, and learning about new cultures. Being involved on campus can help students get connected with mentors, faculty, staff, and other students who share similar interests. Below are the various areas of organizations we currently offer at UWF.
RSO Sub-Councils
Special Interests
The organizations in this sub-council highlight various hobbies that you may have in common with other students.
- Military: The organizations in this sub-council are focused on specific branches and areas of theU.S. military.
- Academics:The organizations in this sub-council focus on academic success, certain career fields, and specific research areas.
- Honor Societies: The organizations in this sub-council are all various honors councils specializing in service hours, leadership development, etc.
- Health and Wellness: The organizations in this sub-council focus on focus on physical & mental health as well as a career in those fields.
- Identity-Based: The organizations in this sub-council provide our students with a safe space to find a community of people who identify and live similarly, as they do.
- Religious: The organizations in this sub-council represent the various religions our students practice on campus.
- Service:The organizations in this sub-council prioritize service to the community and special causes as the focus of their organizations.
- Graduate Students: The organizations in this sub-council are specific to our graduate student population.
- Law & Government: The organizations in this sub-council focus on various aspects of politics, social issues, and careers in law.
RSO Sub-Council Ambassador Program
We are thrilled to launch the inaugural RSO Ambassador Programs for our RSO sub-councils. This is an exclusive initiative designed to empower and engage a spectrum of student organizations that enrich our campus community. Each sub-council will have one appointed ambassador who acts as a representative and amplifies the voices and impact of the organizations within their sub-council. If you have any questions, please email
How to Join
For the first year of ambassador recruitment, you must apply via ARGO PULSE and then schedule an interview with SOC. Ambassadors will be graded on a set rubric, and the highest score will receive the ambassador position for their sub-council for the entire academic year. Ambassadors’ positions will re-open every year.
Benefits of the Program
- Leadership Development: Being an ambassador will help you gain valuable leadership skills through training, workshops, and firsthand experiences with your sub-council.
- Networking Opportunities: You will be able to connect with student leaders, faculty members, alumni, and university administrators.
- Community Engagement: Engage with the broader university community through outreach initiatives and collaborative events. You will also play an active role in establishing new organizations on campus.
- Recognition and Visibility: Receive recognition for your contributions to campus life, boosting your credibility within our campus community
How to Create a Student Organization
Before proposing a new student organization, please check ARGO PULSE to see if a student organization already exists that may serve the same mission as the proposed student organization.
- First, submit a New Student Organization Proposal form via the SOC ARGO PULSE Group Page.
- After the proposal presentation, SOC and the ambassador(s) will determine whether your organization is approved for official registration. They will communicate the status of your proposal to you via email.
- If your registration proposal is not approved, you will receive feedback on the reasons for denial. You can then make necessary changes to your proposal or follow any advice given by SOC.
- Once your proposal is reviewed by SOC, the SOC president will work with you to schedule your proposal presentation with the whole SOC Executive Board and the Sub-Council Ambassador your proposed organization may fall under.
- If your proposal is approved, you will then be expected to fulfill the six requirements listed on below this section and complete the New Student Organization registration form via ARGO PULSE. Your new organization will then be contacted by the SOC President with the next steps and deadlines.
Requirements to Become an RSO
An approved proposal from SOC, granting you access to registration.
- 5 current students willing to participate as members and officers of the organization.
- All student officers must meet the student leader eligibility criteria to serve.
- A full-time UWF faculty or professional staff member who has agreed to serve as a Faculty/Staff advisor.
- Organization policies, processes, and bylaws, including membership requirements, officer positions/selections, standing committees, etc.
- An updated constitution. That includes specific hazing prevention language and other terms and warranties that can be found on the UWF Student Organization website.
Student Leader Eligibility Policy
SA-10 Student Leadership Eligibility Requirements 11.24
Students must meet the following minimum requirements to be eligible to seek and retain office in any student organization (including recreational sports clubs):
- Be enrolled as a degree-seeking student in at least six credit hours per semester, except as noted below;
- Have and maintain a cumulative grade point average (“GPA”) for University of West Florida coursework of at least 2.00 or have a UWF Semester GPA of at least 2.00 in the most recent semester when at least six credit hours were taken; and
- Not be on academic or disciplinary probation or suspension.
Students engaged in an official appeal process (e.g., a grade or conduct appeal) will retain their leadership positions pending the outcome of the University appeal process. Students who have been issued interim measures will not retain their leadership position unless expressly authorized by the Dean of Students.
Student organizations may establish additional requirements for leadership positions so long as such requirements do not violate the University Policy P-13.08-03/17 Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. Additional requirements are subject to review and approval by the Student Involvement. Sports Clubs’ additional requirements are subject to review and approval by Recreation and Wellness.”
RSO Accountability
Accountability is crucial for maintaining a thriving and respectful campus community. All RSOs must adhere to university policies and procedures to retain their official status and privileges. This includes standards and expectations set by the Office of Student Engagement such as meeting reservation expectations, properly utilizing ARGO PULSE, and following re-registration protocols. Compliance with these guidelines helps foster a well-organized, effective, and engaged student organization environment. Failure to meet these standards can result in penalties, including loss of privileges or recognition.
RSO Accountability Plan
Note that the severity and/or continuation of the offense can lead to which step an organization may start on.
- Verbal Warning: Initial issues will be addressed with a verbal warning in a meeting with officers and/or advisors, outlining the problem and steps needed for correction.
- Written Warning: If issues persist, a formal written warning will be issued detailing the violations and required corrective actions.
- Each RSO can get up to 1 written warning per semester. If the RSO can go 1 whole semester without another violation, the written warning will be voided and the RSO will start back at step one of the accountability plan.
- Probation: Continued non-compliance will result in probation, during which the RSO will be closely monitored and may have certain privileges suspended.
- Length of probation and loss of privileges is determined on a case-to-case basis.
- Termination: Persistent failure to adhere to policies and corrective actions will lead to the termination of the RSOs active status and privileges.
- This includes access to EMS, funding, etc.
RSO Advisor Information
All Registered Student Organizations are required to have a volunteer Faculty or Staff Advisor.
Advisor Eligibility
Full-time faculty and staff members are eligible to serve as student organization advisors so long as they are not on leave during their advising term. Student teaching assistants and graduate assistants are not eligible to serve as primary advisors but may serve as secondary advisors.
Serving as an advisor is more than fulfilling a student organizational requirement.
Advisors must consider the following:
- Effectiveness of the officers for the organization
- Commitment of time and the level of involvement required
- Serving as the on-campus resource to the organization
- Mentoring and being involved with the growth and development of these students
- Providing consistency and communicating goals to future members
- Overseeing and assisting in program content and purpose of the organization
Advisor Responsibilities
In agreeing to serve as a student organization advisor, faculty and staff members must agree to certain responsibilities.
Responsibility | Responsibility Description |
University Policies | Advisors should be aware of relevant policies and hold their organizations and officers accountable for following University policies and procedures. Many relevant policies are highlighted on this website and on the Student Engagement Argo Pulse page. |
Finances | Advisors should provide sound financial advice and confront any misfeasance related to the management or organization's funds. Advisors should never keep organization funds in trust. These funds should be deposited and withdrawn from an organization's bank account. |
Stewardship | Student organizations are autonomous entities that register with the University of West Florida to gain access to benefits and resources. Advisors should guard against any misrepresentation by the organization as official representatives of the University. This includes the use of the University's Tax ID number or Tax Exempt status and in soliciting fundraising and sponsorship by individuals and businesses. |
Involvement | Advisors should encourage student organizations to get involved with the greater campus community as much as possible. Advisors should be staying knowledgeable about what opportunities are available and promoting them to their students whether that looks like attending events, serving on committees, volunteering, etc. |
Clery Act | Student organization advisors are designated by federal law as a Campus Security Authority. Advisors must become familiar with the implications and responsibilities related to this designation. |
Funding for Student Organizations
All registered student organizations have the opportunity to receive funding from the Student Government Association (SGA) through the Activity & Service Fee (A&S Fees) budget. To receive funding from SGA, student organizations must be registered via ARGO PULSE and in good standing with UWF. All funding must be utilized for student support and other services as outlined in the SGASpending Guidelines. SGA funds are allocated on an annual basis. RSOs may request an annual budget when the process opens in October and will be notified of their allocated budget in March/April.
Different Ways to Receive Funding
Annual Budgets
Every fall semester, RSOs can request an annual budget from SGA. These funds can be used for anything that falls under the SGA Spending Guidelines, which can be found on the A&S Fee information webpage
These budgets are managed by the Office of Student Engagement and can be accessed by students on ARGO PULSE.
- Travel Grants:
These funds can be requested by any student needing financial travel support. These funds are typically used for conferences,
leadership development, or other extended learning opportunities. These funds can ONLY be used for travel purposes. - Project Grants:
If your RSO does not receive an annual budget, they may request a project grant. These funds can be utilized in the same manner an annual budget would be. They may be used for travel or other various expenses as long as they follow the SGA Spending Guidelines
How to Maximize RSO Funding: Engagement Points
We are excited to introduce a new incentive-based funding opportunity designed to reward active and engaged student organizations! By participating in various campus events and activities, your organization can earn points that can improve your chances of receiving funding from SGA.
How it Works:
Earn Engagement Points: Points can be earned by attending and hosting events, participating in community service or professional development workshops, collaborating with other RSOs, etc. Each type of engagement is worth a certain number of points. The more involved your RSO is, the more points you accumulate.
- Track your Participation: Make sure to log the organization’s activities in ARGO PULSE. This will help us track your engagement and ensure
you receive the points you have earned. Regular updates and accurate records are crucial to maximizing your points. - Improve Your Funding Chances: Organizations with higher engagement points demonstrate their commitment to campus life and responsible stewardship of resources. This dedication may be taken into consideration by the SGA when allocating funding, giving your organization a better chance to receive the financial support needed for your initiatives.
- Showcase Your Impact: Use this opportunity to highlight the positive impact your organization has on campus. Active participation not only
boosts your funding chances but also enhances your reputation and influence within the UWF community. These points are also taken into
consideration during the end-of-year Student Involvement Awards.
Engagement Points
This table shows the breakdown of point categories available to collect throughout the year. Some events and opportunities will be added as the year goes on. Check updates via ARGO PULSE, The PULSE Newsletter, and Instagram (@uwfengagement).
Activity | Points |
Participation in Campus Wide Social Events | |
SOC ArgoPalooza | 50 |
Create a Homecoming GFC Team with your RSO | 50 |
Host a room in CAB Fright Night | 50 |
SGA Diversity Week | 50 |
Athletic Events- Games/Tailgates
50 |
Participation in another RSOs Event | |
Participation and Completion of Engagement Points
25 |
Participation in Leadership Development- Hosted/Offered Through the University
SOC- A Taste of Leadership
Argo Arcade
Participation in Leadership Development and
Completion of Engagement Points Form
Participation in Conference/Leadership Development/Extended
Learning- Outside of the University
Community Service- Hosted/Offered Through the University
Move-In Day—Housing
RSO Welcome Party
MLK Day of Service
20 |
Earth Day Fair
Pending Participation in Other Events Hosted by the
Hosting an Event for RSO Members/Officer
Executive Board Meetings, Recruitment Events,
Hosting an Event- Promoted to Entire Campus Community
Registering an Event in ARGO PULSE
Collaborate on an event with another RSO
Charity/Donation Drive
Participation in Intramural Sports
RSO creates a team together
RSO team wins 1st or 2nd place
Collecting your Engagement Points
Collecting Points
To collect points, RSOs will be required to submit the Engagement Points form via ARGO PULSE, including what student organization they are representing, what Engagement Points they are trying to collect, and a photo of at least 3 members who participated in the engagement opportunity with their names and student emails listed.
Tracking Points
SOC will be responsible for reviewing, approving, and keeping track of these points. RSO’s points may be communicated to them via The PULSE newsletter and the ARGO PULSE Group Leaderboard. This data along with your corresponding spending information will then be given to the SGA Budgets & Allocations Committee to review during your budget proposal.
Levels of Engagement
Level of Engagement | Points Required | Significance |
Level 1 | 150 | RSOs in Level 1 completed the bare minimum amount of Engagement Points to make an impact on their immediate members. |
Level 2 | 200 | RSOs in Level 2 were able to complete some of the large scale community events and interact with their own members as well. |
Level 3 | 400 | RSOs in Level 3 were able to complete all the community events and collaborate/network with other RSOs on a small scale. |
Level 4 | 600 | RSOs in Level 4 were able to complete all the community events and collaborate/network with other RSOs on a large scale. |
Level 5 | 700 | RSOs in Level 5 were able to collect points from every category on the Engagement scale. |
SGA Budgets & Allocations Committee
The SGA Budgets & Allocations Committee is responsible for distributing RSO annual budgets and project/travel grants. At the end of the fall semester, SOC will provide the committee with the amount of engagement points your RSO collected, what level of engagement you fell under, and an in-depth review of how your previous annual budget was spent and what initiatives/experiences your money created for our campus and students.
The committee may take these aspects into account when distributing your next annual budget. SOC, SGA, and the Office of Student Engagement highly suggest your RSO participate in Engagement Point tracking to ensure you receive a proper amount of funding for your next year’s plans and growth.
If you have any questions about the SGA allocating process, please email
RSO Purchasing and Travel
If your RSO receives an annual budget from SGA there are certain procedures, you must follow to access and spend your allocated funds. Please
review the reminders below and email with any questions.
The first step before any purchasing occurs, is to complete the Expenditure Request form via your group’s accounting book in ARGO PULSE.
Whether you are submitting a direct purchase request or seeking a reimbursement. - Communication
Depending on the nature of your request, you will receive specific communication from the Office of Student Engagement’s RSO purchasing team on how to proceed. - Spending Guidelines
RSOs are funded through Activity & Servies Fees, These funds follow very specific guidelines. DO NOT purchase with your SGA allocated budget, without first getting the proper approval and communication. This could result in your RSO members losing money or future funding opportunities. The SGA Spending Guidelines can be reviewed here or on the A&S Fee Information webpage.
If you receive a Travel Grant through SGA, you must also follow very specific procedures to access and spend your allocated funds. Once you have been approved for an SGA Travel Grant, you will receive official confirmation from the SGA Budgets & Allocations Committee. After this is communicated to you, the Office of Student Engagement’s Office Administrative Specialist will contact you with further instructions.
FAQ’s for RSO Funding
Questions | Answer |
How do I check my organization’s budget/manage my on-campus funds?
All RSO officers have access to their student organizations Accounting Book via ARGO PULSE. Here you can see what you have been allocated, what has been spent, what is pending approval, etc
How can I make a purchase with my annual budget?
Two ways: You can purchase the items and request a reimbursement, or you can have the Student Organizations and Events Specialist purchase them on behalf of your organization. Regardless of what method you choose, your purchase must be approved BEFORE moving forward with payment to make sure it follows SGA Spending Guidelines. You can find further instructions for this via the Expenditure Request form via ARGO PULSE.
Where is the Expenditure Request Form?
All RSO Officers can access the expenditure request form via their accounting book in ARGO PULSE. To submit an expenditure request form, you will select the grey button that’s labeled “Budget/Request”. You will then be prompted to complete some questions regarding your purchase request.
What can/cannot be purchased with my annual budget money?
Please review the SGA Spending Guidelines for a detailed list of what can/cannot be purchased using A&S Fees.
When traveling, what can/cannot my RSO annual budget money pay for?
car rental, hotel, registration, tolls, airline tickets, gas, parking, posters/conference supplies, Ubers/taxis for purpose.
Food, Airbnb/VRBO, Ubers/taxis without purpose, First-Class airline tickets. Please see travel facts via the SGA website for more information on travel.
How can I buy t-shirts or other custom promotional items using my annual budget?
You must include specific SGA branding and get approval from UWF licensing. Please email for any promotional material orders before placing them.
My RSO wants an off-campus bank account, how do we make one? How do I get a bank letter?
Please visit the SGA Funding Website for detailed instructions on how to open an off-campus bank account. To receive a bank letter, please email
Policy | Purpose |
University Policy SA-22.04-01/24 | This policy outlines the criteria for different types of student organizations at UWF. It also sets forth various requirements and qualifications that all RSOs must meet, including compliance with UWF policies, maintaining governing documents, and providing accessibility accommodations. |
Event Registration Policy SA-31.04-02/24 | This policy sets forth the approval process for events sponsored by RSOs at UWF. |
Use of University Facilities for Events and Activities SA-02.03-0419 | This policy describes the UWF Standard practices for the use of university facilities for events and activities |
Nighttime Events SA-30.03-12/16 | This policy sets forth the guidelines for nighttime events sponsored by RSOs on UWF Main Campus |
Alcohol Policy for Student Organization Sponsored Events A- | This policy is intended to address alcohol-related issues in terms of events sponsored by RSOs on and off campus. |
This policy is intended to ensure UWF’s fundraising efforts are professional, thoughtful, and well-coordinated to enable coordination within the university when working with potential donors. | |
Student Leader Eligibility Policy | This policy establishes the minimum university requirements for student leaders in RSOs |
UWF REG 3.010 Student Code of Conduct | RSOs are expected to uphold appropriate standards of behavior and to respect the rights and privileges of others. This code of conduct outlines those standards. |
ARGO PULSE: Streamlining RSO Management
ARGO PULSE is UWF’s comprehensive platform designed to streamline the management and operation of RSOs. It serves as a centralized hub where student leaders can efficiently manage their organization's activities, communicate with members, and stay connected with the broader campus community.
Key Features
- RSO Management: Manage their membership rosters, update officer and advisor roles, track participation, and maintain up-to-date contact and policy information.
- Event Planning: Easily create, promote, and manage events. The platform supports event registration, attendance tracking, and feedback surveys, ensuring all logistical needs are met.
- Communication: Send announcements and updates to members using the email builder and engage with the wider student body through the Community Feed and various specific channels.
- Document Storage: Store important documents such as constitutions and meeting minutes in a centralized, accessible location.
- Compliance Tracking: Keep track of required forms, training sessions, and other compliance-related activities to ensure your RSO meets university standards.
- Budget Tracking: Using the Accounting Book within ARGO PULSE allows your RSO to manage your RSO budget and request access to your organization’s funds
ARGO PULSE: RSO Requirements
Event Registration
Any event hosted by an RSO on or off campus must be registered in ARGO PULSE. You can do this by navigating to the Events Tab on your RSO Dashboard, clicking the “Create Event” button, and filling out the required information for your event. The required information to include regarding your events are as follows:
- Event Name: Provide a clear and descriptive name for your event.
- Event Date and Time: Select the start and end date and time for your event.
- Location: Add this whether your event is on or off-campus. Make sure you have already reserved the on-campus space via EMS before registering your event on ARGO PULSE.
- Event Description: Write a detailed description of the event, including the purpose, activities planned, and any special instructions for attendees.
- Event Category & Tags: Choose the appropriate category and tags for your event so your organization and attendees can gain points (e.g., workshop, group meeting, social, community service, etc.)
- RSVP or Ticketing Information (if applicable): Indicate what is needed from students to attend.
- Event Image: Upload an image, flyer, or both that represents your event.
You can complete any other requested information through the ARGO PULSE event tabs. If you are hosting an event with alcohol and/or are off campus, make sure to contact for proper approval and documentation.
Track Attendance
Once you have registered your event, submit a request to rent the Nautilus Card Swipers from SOC. Tracking event attendance is mandatory for any event over 10 people. This tool can help your RSO effectively keep track of how many students attend your events. This can help plan effectively, measure engagement, and prove your RSO's impact on campus at the end of the academic year.
ARGO PULSE Tracking & Access
The following forms and features are accessible through ARGO PULSE. Reference this page for links to several of these features.
Argo Pulse Form or Feature | Where to Find it | Description |
Event Calendar | Home Page |
Check out the ARGO PULSE Home Page for the events calendar, community feeds, The PULSE newsletter, and more.
Community and Group
Home Page or Group Dashboard |
Utilize your group channel to check in with your group
members and ask questions or check in with the community feed to see what other RSOs, students,
and departments are up to.
The PULSE Newsletter
Home Page |
Review The PULSE newsletter from your ARGO PULSE home page to get quick updates and reminders from SOC and the Office of Student Engagement.
Social Media Submission
Form |
Home Page: Underneath The PULSE | Want to have your RSO featured on the Office of Student Engagement social media pages? Complete this form at least 1 week prior to your desired post to be promoted on our page. |
Card Swiper Rental Form |
SOC Forms | An RSO or Department can submit this form to rent out 1-4 card swipers from SOC. These card swipers allow organizations to track attendance. This form must be completed at least 2 weeks in advance for review. |
Banners and Bannisters Form |
SOC Forms | Complete this form if you would like your RSOs banner to be showcased from the banister in the Commons Great Hall |
Expense Request | Your RSO Accounting Book | As an officer, you will have access to your RSO Accounting Book where you can submit expense requests and see your remaining SGA budget. |
Engagement Points Form | SOC Forms | Submit this form every time your RSO wishes to collect Engagement Points under the point system listed above. |
If you have questions not answered by our handbook, please contact the following:
For Purchasing or Travel:
For RSO registration, events, etc.:
For RSO Advisor Information: