
When it comes to wellness, balance is everything! Adjusting even one area of your health, such as nutrition, sleep, stress management or self-image, can significantly impact your success both inside and outside of the classroom.

Peer Educators
The UWF Peer Health Educators promote health and well being through outreach and events to educate and empower students in managing their personal wellness and gaining the skills to practice lifelong healthy behaviors. Learn how our Peer Educators support students.

Request a Wellness Service
The Wellness Team and UWF Peer Educators offer health education services covering a variety of health areas: Classroom Presentations, Interactive Workshops, Group Activities and Discussions, Tabling and Collaborations and Request Free Condoms.

Zen Den
Feeling stressed? The Zen Den features two massage chairs, available for use by appointment, with 20-minute sessions for a relaxing and spa-like experience. Schedule a 40 minute appointment in the Zen Den.