UWF Software Engineering and DevOps Research Group
The Software Engineering and DevOps research group focuses on modern day industrial practices in software engineering, application development, and distributed software architectures. We explore the application of cutting edge tools and techniques to software engineering development.
Software Engineering and DevOps Research Group
Software Engineering is an ever-changing and robust field that presents unique challenges that may not be faced in other engineering disciplines. The Software Engineering and DevOps Research Group meets weekly throughout the semester to work on projects related to the development and application of Software Engineering tools and technologies. We work with cloud computing, continuous integration and delivery pipelines, automated testing tools, service-oriented APIs, and web and mobile development frameworks. Furthermore, our projects can span across fields that incorporate programming languages, operating systems and networks, or machine learning based on the needs of ongoing projects. Students in the group are constantly evolving skill sets that will enable them to handle a number of real-world development problems and increase their marketability in industry.
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