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Tuition & Fees

Tuition and fees are assessed on a per credit hour basis by the location of the course, the level of the course, and the student's residency classification for fee purposes. There are also some programs that fall under "Market Rate and Self-Supporting Programs" that charge the same rate for all students regardless of residency.

Graduate Tuition Rates

Current rates can be found on the Tuition and Fees page.

Alabama Differential Out-of-State Tuition - Residents of Alabama are eligible for Alabama Differential Tuition, a reduced out-of-state tuition rate. To review residency status, please check your Application Status app on myUWF. For more information, new graduate students should review the Residency section. Currently enrolled graduate students should contact the Office of the Registrar.

Active Duty Military - All active duty members of the Armed Forces who are residing or are stationed outside the state of Florida shall have all (100%) out-of-state fees waived by the university. Contact the Military & Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) to apply for the Active Duty Military Out-of-State Waiver.

Online Progams and Certificates - Some online degree and certificate programs have differential or alternate pricing or tuition rates.  Please visit the Student Accounts and Cashier's Office for more information. Non-resident students in online programs may also apply for a tuition waiver. Tuition waivers cover up to 90 percent of the non-resident portion of your tuition and are available to non-Florida residents (including international students) admitted to Online Campus programs and registered for online courses in active pursuit of that degree or certificate. You can find more information on the Online Tuition Waiver Info page.

*Refer to the Students Accounts and Cashier's Office for UWF official tuition and fees information. The above information does not include materials/supplies or lab fees that may be assessed for individual courses.

UWF Payment Plan

The University of West Florida provides eligible students with an alternative to paying the full amount of tuition, housing and meal plans at the beginning of each term. Beginning in Fall 2016, UWF will offer a payment plan with up to 4 installments for Fall and Spring terms. Summer term will have a payment plan with up to 3 installments. The number of available installments is determined by the date of which you enroll in the payment plan. The earlier the student enrolls, the more installments available to the student.

What charges can be included?

Current term tuition and fees, housing rent charges, and meal plans. All of these charges will automatically be included in the plan, you cannot choose to exclude some charges.

Charges will be reduced by the amount of available financial aid, private scholarships, private loans and third party billing arrangements.

An account balance of $300 or more is required to be eligible for the payment plan.

When can I enroll in the plan?

Students can begin enrolling in the plan in July for Fall term, November for Spring term, and April for Summer term.

To avoid assessment of late fees, students must enroll no later than Part of Term 1 fee payment deadline.

How do I enroll in the plan?

Log into your Transact account. On your home page, you will see the UWF Payment Plan link.

Review plan budget and payment due dates.

Accept Terms and Conditions.

The first payment is required online in order to enroll in the Payment Plan.

When are payments due?

The first payment is due online at the time you enroll into the plan. A one-time $15 enrollment charge is assessed in addition to the first payment.

Additional installments will be determined by the plan you are enrolled and can be made online, mailed, or in the Cashier's Office using only cash, check, or money order.

What if I make a payment late?

If you pay late you will be assessed the appropriate late fees - tuition $100, housing $50.

If payment plan includes a meal plan, meals will be suspended until the account balance is paid in full.

Refer to your housing contract terms and conditions, for additional information, contact

What happens if I receive financial aid after enrolling in the plan?

You financial aid will be applied to the balance of your outstanding charges. If a balance remains, then subsequent required payments will be adjusted.

What happens if I change my class schedule after enrolling in the plan?

Your subsequent payments will be adjusted to reflect the increase or decrease in your fee assessment.

Short Term Loans

Students in good financial standing with the University are eligible to apply for a Short Term Loan up to $500. The application is submitted through MyUWF and an electronic promissory note signed. Short Term Loans along with the service charge are due before the end of the semester in which they were issued; the due date is included on the promissory note. Contact the Student Accounts Office for more information.

April 15th Resolution

The University of West Florida Graduate School participates in the Council of Graduate Schools April 15 resolution.

Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15.  In those instances in which a student accepts an offer before April 15, and subsequently desires to withdraw that acceptance, the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15. However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitment has been made.  Similarly, an offer by an institution after April 15 is conditional on presentation by the student of the written release from any previously accepted offer.

Please read the complete Council of Graduate Schools Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars, Fellows, Trainees and Assistants.  Also on that document is a list of institutions that support the resolution.


Academic Common Market

The Academic Common Market is an interstate agreement among southern states for sharing academic programs. Participating states enable their residents who qualify for admission to enroll in specific graduate programs in other states on an in-state tuition basis. Arrangements traditionally are limited to unusual programs or programs not offered within the state of residence.

Participating States

The Academic Common Market serves residents of the following 15 southern states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Delaware.

How To Enroll

To enroll as an Academic Common Market student, an applicant must obtain certification from the common market coordinator in the student's home state. Students must be admitted to the appropriate degree program by Graduate Admissions, and the letter of certification must be received in the Office of the Registrar before the first day of classes for the effective term. For information on the state authorization of programs or on the identity of the coordinator for a particular state, view the ACM Southern Regional Education Board website.