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Student Accessibility Resources

The University provides individualized support services to encourage full participation for students with disabilities. Student Accessibility Resources offers a wide variety of accommodations and services for students with documented disabilities, including learning disabilities, deafness/hardness of hearing, blindness/low vision, mobility limitations, ADHD, and psychiatric and medical conditions.

Title IX

Title IX Programs serves the University through managing complaints of sexual misconduct (such as stalking and sexual harassment), sexual violence (such as dating violence and sexual assault/rape) and sex-based discrimination (differential treatment based on someone's sex). Title IX Programs also provides training to the campus community and communicates what resources are available to students, faculty and staff.

Title IX Contacts
Contact Title Office Location Phone Email
Jenny Hamilton Title IX Coordinator Building 21 850.474.2175
Aurora Osbourne Deputy Title IX Coordinator Building 21 850.474.2175
Mark Trowbridge Title IX Specialist Building 21 850.474.2009
Meghan Barter Associate Athletic Director and Deputy Title IX Coordinator Building 54 850.474.3055
Jamie Sprague Associate Vice President and Deputy Title IX Coordinator Building 20E 850.474.2156
Dr. Mary Anderson AVP and Dean of Students and Deputy Title IX Coordinator Building 11 850.474.2384
Dr. Eric Kollar Director of Academic Affairs and Deputy Title IX Coordinator Building 10 850.474.2312

Statewide Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements outline the policies and requirements related to the transfer of credits from Florida community/state colleges to Florida universities. Visit Statewide Articulation Agreements or contact the UWF Office of the Registrar for more information.

Consumer Information

Each institution must annually provide to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of the information that is required to be made available to students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA). This information is posted on the UWF Consumer Information - HEOA page.

Voter Registration Requirements

State law requires colleges and universities to provide each enrolled student the opportunity to apply to register to vote or to update their voter registration records at least once a year. Voter registration information at the University may be obtained in the Office of Campus Culture and Access or the Student Engagement

Voter Registration Information

Campus Safety and Security

University Police: The Police Department provides a full range of public safety services to the University community and its guests 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year-round. All UWF police officers are fully certified state officers through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Division of Criminal Justice Standards and Training.

Blue Light System: Emergency Blue Lights are free-standing white poles or wall-mounted boxes strategically located throughout the Pensacola campus. Blue Lights can be activated by using the red button inside the call box or by striking the side of the pole.   

Safety Escort Service: The campus escort service is available to ensure the safety of all University students, personnel and visitors upon request. The service is provided between car and building or building to building, day and night, year-round. Qualified, supervised student personnel provide the escort service Monday through Friday while the University is in session, 8 a.m.-midnight. During all other times, the University Police will provide escort service on an as-available basis. Escort service may be arranged for special events held on campus.

Combined Annual Security & Fire Safety Report 2022-23: Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act - The Jeanne Clery Disclosure for Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (formerly the Campus Security Act) is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education to disclose campus security information, including certain crime statistics for the campus and surrounding area. As a current or prospective University of West Florida student or employee, you have a right to obtain a copy of this information for this institution. You may obtain a printed copy of this information upon request by contacting UWF Police at 850.474.2415.

Crime Statistics: The UWF Police Department submits semi-annual Uniform Crime Report Data to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for crimes occurring within its jurisdiction. It also disseminates information concerning incidents of crime through local and on-campus media. The data is ultimately published by the FBI in the annual Uniform Crime Report. Florida Department of Law Enforcement definitions of select offenses are available by contacting the UWF Police at 850.474.2415. The crime statistics for UWF can be found on the U.S. Department of Education's Campus Safety and Security site.

Security of Campus Facilities and Housing: The University of West Florida is a public institution and, with the exception of the residence halls, is open to the public during the day and evening hours when classes are in session. During the times that the University is officially closed, its buildings are generally locked, and only faculty, staff and some students with proper identification are admitted. The University police provide regular patrol of UWF buildings as well as parking facilities. Individuals who interfere with the orderly functioning of university business may be escorted from campus grounds and subject to arrest.

Resident students are issued a key or key access card at check-in so they may have access to their living unit. Students are encouraged to safeguard keys in order to enhance their personal safety and the safety of others. An effective residence hall security system program depends upon resident cooperation, staff supervision and University police assistance. Although the campus-wide security system increases campus safety, the best security system is one in which all members of the community take personal responsibility for self-protection and the protection of their property.

UWF police officers patrol the areas around the campus and are readily available to assist on a 24-hour basis. In addition, Resident Assistants (RAs), hired by the Department of Housing and Residence Life, are on duty daily in residence hall communities. These security measures and personnel are representative of our concern for the protection of persons and property. Resident students are encouraged to promptly call the police at 474-2415 to report security deficiencies immediately.

The Facilities Management Department maintains university buildings and grounds with a concern for the safety and security of all persons and property. Inspections are made regularly and repairs are made promptly to ensure that appropriate safety and security measures are maintained. The University Police assist Facilities personnel by reporting potential safety and security hazards, which includes conducting campus safety and lighting surveys and reporting discrepancies. Students, faculty and staff are also encouraged to call Facilities Management or the University Police to report any actual or potential safety or security hazards. The University Police conduct physical security surveys of campus facilities that may be vulnerable to criminal intrusion. Specific recommendations are made regarding security hardware, alarm systems or procedures that will serve to reduce the opportunities for crimes to occur in or around campus buildings.

Crime Prevention Responsibilities/Programs: The UWF Police Department encourages all students, faculty and staff to be involved in campus crime prevention. Information on safety and security precautions is provided on a regular basis through use of films, seminars, bulletins, crime alerts, posters, brochures and campus print and video media. In an ongoing effort to facilitate this process, University police officers provide crime prevention programs throughout the year on such topics as Date/Acquaintance Rape, RAD (Rape Aggression Defense), Personal Safety-Reducing Risks, Alcohol and DUI, Burglary and Theft Prevention, Operation ID-Personal Property Engraving, UWF Police Department–Who We Are and What We Do, Bike Engraving, Robbery Precautions and Child Safety.

Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act: This federal law is aimed at tracking convicted sex offenders enrolled at or employed by institutions of higher education. The act requires sex offenders registered with the state to provide notice to the state of each institution of higher education that the offender is employed, carries on a vocation, or is enrolled as a student. The UWF Police Department maintains a list of convicted offenders at the University. This information is provided by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.