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Regina Sakalarios-Rogers


Dr. Regina Sakalarios-Rogers, instructor and coordinator of the Department of English internship program, teaches creative writing with an emphasis on fiction writing and genre fiction.

Her short fiction has been published in various magazine and literary journals, including Black Cat Mystery Magazine, Tangled Web, Mysterical-E, Toasted Cheese Literary Journal, and Flash Fiction Online. In 2006, her short story, “Pillaged,” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and was selected as a notable story by the StorySouth Million Writers Award.

As coordinator of the English Internship Program, Sakalarios-Rogers is responsible for recruiting and engaging with community partners to provide undergraduate students with hands-on learning opportunities that can enhance their academic experience and inform their path beyond academia.

Degrees & Institutions

She received a bachelor’s and master’s in English from UWF, and a doctorate degree in English with a specialization in creative writing from the Center for Writers at University of Southern Mississippi.