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Nancy Fox-Edele


Nancy Fox (Edele) is a faculty member in writing at the University of West Florida and holds a Ph.D. in English language and rhetoric from the University of Washington, Seattle. She has published poetry, essays, creative nonfiction, academic research, a writing text, and a children’s book, as well as work in feminist studies, multimedia, teaching, and writing. Her subjects have ranged from analysis of the film "The Kids Are All Right" and Andy Warhol’s "Dream America" to a new discovery in the "Mouse’s Tale" in Alice in Wonderland and the challenge of teaching during the Covid pandemic. Currently she is working on memoir in the creative nonfiction program at Stanford University. She lives on the Gulf Coast with her spouse and two children. 

Degrees & Institutions

Fox-Edele served in the divisions of writing administration at the University of Washington and San Diego State University. She received a bachelor’s degree in history from LaSalle College, a master’s degree in rhetoric and writing studies from San Diego State University, and is a doctoral candidate in English language and rhetoric at the University of Washington.