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Bre Garrett

  • Position: Associate Professor, Director of Composition
  • Department: English
  • Office Location: Building 51, Room 146
  • Campus: 850.857.6074


Garrett frequently publishes and presents work on the intersection between rhetorical studies and the teaching of writing. Much of her research is collaborative, written with students and colleagues. In “Re-inventing Invention: A Performance in Three Acts,” published in “The New Work of Composing,” Garrett and collaborators curate photos, video and written analysis to investigate how writers create and discover meaning using multiple modes of communication. Drawing from classroom, person-based research, Garrett’s article, “Re-Inventing Digital Delivery for Multimodal Composing: A Theory and Heuristic for Composition Pedagogy,” provides a critical lens for teaching video in writing classes. She has two forthcoming pieces on feminist practice in writing program administration.

As director of the composition program, she develops new curricular designs and programs and writes instructional materials for the first-year composition curriculum. She won a university QEP start-up grant in 2015 for the e-portfolio component of the Certificate in Professional, Technical and Workplace Writing. Garrett and a small editorial team recently published the first custom edition of “Rhetoric and Writing: Composition at UWF,” the textbook used in all English introductory courses. Garrett consistently works to make writing practice more accessible to all students. Her forthcoming article, “Studio Bricolage: Inventing Writing Studio Pedagogy for Local Contexts,” argues why higher education should consider a one-on-one approach to writing instruction.

Although many believe social media has eroded conventions of reading and writing, Bre Garrett, director of UWF’s composition writing program, has a different take on the subject.

“I believe social media has encouraged more people to read – it’s just a different type of discourse,” she said. “In my classes, I teach students to think outside of the typical essay format to the many other ways they can package their ideas and get their messages and arguments out.”  

Degrees & Institutions

Garrett received bachelors’ degrees in English and psychology, a master's degree in English from Appalachian State University, and a doctorate in English, with an emphasis in rhetoric and composition, from Miami University.

Keywords: rhetoric, composition pedagogy, digital writing, composition director, teaching of writing