Board of Advisors
Advisory Board Purpose
Per Board of Trustee Regulation 5.010 (Educational Research Center for Child Development), the ERCCD Director may seek recommendations and advice from the ERCCD Advisory Board. In turn, the ERCCD Advisory Board provides recommendations and advice to the ERCCD administration regarding operational processes, guidelines, and subjects such as admissions priorities, standards of conduct for the children, fees, and the Parent Handbook. Additionally, the Advisory Board approves the Center’s Director, which is selected by the Vice President for Academic Engagement and Student Affairs (hiring authority).
Advisory Board Representation
The Advisory Board consists of faculty members, parents of children in the Center, and at least one representative of the UWF Student Government Association (SGA). Board members are appointed by the Vice President for Academic Engagement and Student Affairs. The SGA representative’s name is provided to the ERCCD administration and that individual’s Board membership is approved via the Vice President for Academic Engagement and Student Affairs. The ERCCD Advisory Board has a chair, appointed by the ERCCD Administration, which runs the meetings and serves as the liaison to the ERCCD administration. Advisory Board members are volunteers and are not compensated for their role. Board member terms are indefinite, but are at the discretion of the ERCCD administration. The SGA representative’s term ends when that individual’s term ends with the SGA or at the discretion of the SGA President and/or ERCCD Administration.
Advisory Board Chair
Dr. Craig Jones, Associate Professor-Emeritus, from the Teacher Education and Educational Leadership department at UWF currently serves at the chair of the ERCCD Advisory Board. Dr. Jones brings a great deal of experience and expertise to the Board. He can be reached via email at
Advisory Board Members
The following individuals currently serve on the ERCCD Advisory Board:
- Dr. Craig Jones, Chair, Associate Professor-Emeritus, School of Education, UWF
- Dr. Giang - Nguyen Thi Nguyen, Associate Professor, School of Education, UWF
- Dr. Erin King, Assistant Professor, Social Work, UWF
- Dr. Cynthia Smith-Peters, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, UWF
- Dr. Tim Morse, Assistant Professor, School of Education, UWF
- Dr. Alexis Janosik, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, Biology, UWF
- Kate Durden, Adjunct Faculty, Instructional Designer and Multimedia Support Coordinator, UWF
- Leah Finneseth-Meyers, Pod Lead Teacher, UWF ERCCD
- Candice Lane, Associate Director, UWF Foundation
- Nicole Grinnan, Assistant Director, Archeology Institute, UWF
- Hanna Klump, ERCCD parent, student, UWF
- Cyndy Watson, prior ERCCD Director
- Kierra Johnson, SGA Treasurer
Advisory Board Member Expectations
It is expected that Advisory Board members:
- Believe in, support, and advocate for the ERCCD Mission and Values
- Actively prepare for and participate at all Advisory Board meetings (typically a formal meeting is held in the fall semester and a formal meeting is held in the spring semester)
- Attend ERCCD welcome back events, parent meet and greet functions at the center, and other major ERCCD organizational events, as requested by the ERCCD Administration
- Serve on and occasionally lead Advisory Board sub-committees, as applicable
- Build positive networks and relationships with ERCCD stakeholders
- Comply with applicable UWF Policies and Florida Sunshine Laws
- Provide recommendations and advice that promotes the positive development of the Center, independent of any personal self-interest, agenda, or the pressured influence of other individuals
- Serve with integrity
- Agree to step down from the Advisory Board if you are unable to meet these expectations
Florida Sunshine Law and Advisory Board Meetings
Advisory Board meetings and communications must comply with Florida Sunshine Law and are open to the public. Advisory Board meetings will be noticed on the UWF calendar in advance of the meeting. Meeting agendas and meeting minutes, once approved, will be posted on the ERCCD webpage.
Advisory Board Documents
- Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Fall 2022
- Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Fall 2022
- Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Summer 2023
- Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Summer 2023
- Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Fall 2023
- Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Fall 2023
- Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Spring 2025