Give to CDCE
Help Students Go Argo2Pro
At UWF, over 65% of students need financial assistance, and career preparation costs—like professional attire, travel and supplies—can be a major barrier. Help Students Go Argo2Pro by providing funding for:
- Professional attire for interviews, internships and career fairs.
- Participation costs for coops, internships, research and other experiential learning.
- Travel to interviews or conferences.
Your gift helps students dress for success, gain confidence and access career-building opportunities.
Ways to Give
Donate Online
Visit the UWF Foundation's secure server to support student services and programs.
Donate by Mail
- Make checks payable to the University of West Florida Foundation, Inc.
- Notate CDCE's account number #4322
Send a gift to:
UWF Foundation
11000 University Pkwy, Bldg 12
Pensacola, FL 32514
Donate by Phone
Call the UWF Foundation at 850.474.3118, or for long-distance calls, dial 1.800.226.1893 and select Foundation from the automated directory.
For more information, please contact
Thank you for your continued support!