Dr. William Evans
- Position: Professor
- Department: School of Education
- Office Location: Building 85, Room 172
- wevans@uwf.edu
- Campus: 850.474.2892
Dr. William “Bill” Evans, Professor in the School of Education, focused on special education and emotional handicaps while he earned his Ph.D. at the University of Florida.
Evans is a Certified Pre-Service Trainer in Learning Strategies and has a Florida teaching certificate in several fields, including Emotional Disturbance, Special Learning Disabilities and Mental Retardation.
Evans has written both journal articles and technical reports for educational policy as well as providing a chapter in The SAGE Handbook of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. His research topics include mainstreaming students with significant social, emotional and behavioral difficulties; what international scholarly research tells us about effective teaching; relationships and quality of life in families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder; and substance abuse and the role of the teacher, among other subjects.
Evans has been Executive Editor of Preventing School Failure and Associate Editor of Education and Treatment of Children, Behavioral Disorders, Diagnostique, and Journal of Alternative Schooling.
Evans, who won a Fulbright Senior Specialist Fellowship in 2009, also is a consultant for UNESCO policy development on the Southern Pacific Rim.
- Assessment
- Classroom Management
- Educational Policy
Current Courses
- Assessment
- Evaluation of Exceptional Children
- Issues in Education (doctoral level)
Classes Taught
- Assessment
- Evaluation of Exceptional Children
Keywords: mainstreaming students, effective teaching, how autism affects quality of life for families, substance abuse and teacher’s role, learning strategies, UNESCO policy development, emotional handicaps