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Hastings, Nancy 444 x 668

Dr. Nancy B. Hastings


Dr. Nancy B. Hastings, Professor, is Chair of the Department of Instructional Design and Technology.

Her research agenda includes three primary areas of focus: distance learning, human performance technology, and the theoretical and historical foundations of the fields of instructional and performance technology. Her research within these areas has considered message design, multi-channel instruction, content sequencing, the application and implications of social media as a means of delivering instruction, and competency-based distance learning. 

Hastings’s research has appeared in such peer-reviewed publications as Journal of Educators Online, Pfeiffer Annual: Training, TechTrends, Performance Improvement Journal, Competency-Based Education in Higher Education, and Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology.

Hastings earned a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from Wayne State University, where she was named doctoral student of the year. Her dissertation looked at “The Effects of Learner Age, Gender and Visual Complexity on Visual Learning.”

Since joining UWF in 2007, Hastings has taught numerous courses, including Advanced Instructional Design Theory, Distance Learning Policies and Planning, Instructional Technology and Management, and Evaluation of Human Performance Technology Interventions.

Degrees & Institutions

Hastings received a bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management, and a master's degree in Training and Development from Oakland University. She went on to earn a doctoral degree in Instructional Technology from Wayne State University.


Hasting's research encompasses three areas, human performance technology, distance learning, and the foundations of the field of instructional design and technology. 

Current Courses

  • Field Experiences in Instructional Design and Technology
  • Advanced Instructional Design Theory
  • Human Performance Improvement
  • Implementing HPT Interventions

Classes Taught

  • Distance Learning Policy and Planning
  • Field Experiences in Instructional Design and Technology
  • Advanced Instructional Design Theory
  • Human Performance Improvement
  • Implementing HPT Interventions


Publications-Peer Reviewed 

  • East, M.L., Havard, B. & Hastings, N.B. (under review). Mental health mobile apps instruction: Technology adoption theories applied in a mixed methods study of counseling faculty. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 
  • Ellis, H., Havard, B., Hastings, N. & McArthur, A. (2016). Educational leaders as technology leaders: Technology literacy skill development. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 1217-1223). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). 
  • Hastings, N.B. & Rasmussen, K.L. (in press). Designing and developing competency based courses using standards. In K.L. Rasmussen, P.T. Northrup and R. Colson (Eds.) Competency-Based Education in Higher Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Interaction. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 166-167). New York, NY: Springer. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Learner characteristics and traits. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 179-180). New York, NY: Springer. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Mastery learning. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 201-202). New York, NY: Springer. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Message design. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 208-209). New York, NY: Springer. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Multi-channel instruction. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 219-220). New York, NY: Springer. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Prerequisite skills. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 243-244). New York, NY: Springer. Hastings-Vita
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Sequencing. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 281-283). New York, NY: Springer. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2013). Social media. In R.C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Terminology for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 290-291). New York, NY: Springer. 
  • Tyler, K.M., & Hastings, N.B. (2011). Factors influencing virtual patron satisfaction with online library resources and services. Journal of Educators Online, 8(2). Retrieved from 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2009). Integrated evaluation: Improving performance improvement. In J.L. Moseley and J.C. Dessinger (Eds.) Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace, Volume 3: Measurement and Evaluation (pp. 240-255). San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons. 
  • Hastings, N.B. (2009). Analysis in the age of distance learning. In E. Beich (Ed) Pfeiffer Annual: Training (pp.219-228). San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons. 
  • Moseley, J.L., & Hastings, N.B. (2008) Is anyone doing formative evaluation? In E. Beich (Ed) Pfeiffer Annual: Training (pp. 233-240). San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons. 
  • Hastings, N.B., & Tracey, M.W. (2005). Does media affect learning: Where are we now? TechTrends, 49(2), 28-30
  • Moseley, J.L. & Hastings, N.B. (2005). Implementation: the forgotten link on the intervention chain. Performance Improvement Journal, 44(4), 8-14.  


  • Hastings, N.B., Havard, B.C., Hyland, C. & Podsiad, M. (under review). An academic profile: human performance technology in the University of West Florida’s department of Instructional, Workforce and Applied Technology. Performance Improvement Journal
  • Northrup, P., Ellis, H. H., Hastings, N., Havard, B., & Rasmussen, K. (Spring 2013). Building your future with online Ed.D. in curriculum and instruction: Instructional Technology. SEEN Magazine, 51(1), 116-118. 

Keywords: competency-based education, multi-channel instruction, sequencing, distance learning analysis, age and gender factors in visual learning, instructional technology and design