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Dr. Giang-Nguyen Thi Nguyen


Dr. Giang-Nguyen Thi Nguyen is a Professor in Mathematics Education in the School of Education.

She joined UWF in 2011 after she completed her doctorate at Florida State University in Mathematics Education. While she was a graduate student at FSU she taught both traditional and web-based mathematics courses at Tallahassee Community College.

Nguyen teaches Math Education courses and conducts research that helps pre-service teachers develop knowledge for teaching mathematics. She also mentors undergraduate students who conduct research related to mathematics teaching and learning.

Nguyen believes motivation plays a vital role in students learning mathematics. Her research strands highlight the thematic unity and exemplify a coherent body of work that she has helped to construct for scholarship in mathematics education and motivational psychology.

Nguyen has published in practitioner journals (Dimensions in Mathematics and Mathematics in Michigan) and research journals (Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, and International Journal of Intercultural Disciplines) and others.

She has made presentations at national and international conferences on student motivation and mathematics learning. 

Degrees & Institutions

Nguyen received a bachelor's degree in Actuarial Science, a master's degree in Mathematics Education, and a doctorate degree in Mathematics Education all from Florida State University. 


  • Mathematics Education
  • Mathematics and Motivation
  • Mathematical Modeling

Current Courses

  • Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School
  • Teaching Diverse Populations 

Classes Taught

  • Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School


Publications (Peer-Reviewed)

  • Mesa, J., &  Nguyen, G.-N. T. (in press). Go, turtle, go: Measuring motion to build proficiency in science and mathematics. Science Scope.
  • Nguyen, G.-N. T., & Goodin, J. (July, 2016). Bridging students to mathematics: Knowledge and motivation. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 6(2), 47-83. doi:10.5642/jhummath.201602.06
  • DiLoreto, M.,  Nguyen, G.-N. T., & Stout, D. L. (2015). CARI: A model of assessment for educator preparation programs. Psychology Research, 5(4), 238-248. doi:10.17265/2159-5542/2015.04.003
  • Nguyen, G.-N. T. (2015). A case study of students' motivations in College Algebra courses. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 39(8), 693-707. doi:10.1080/10668926.2013.824394
  • Davis, S. B., Thompson, C. J., &  Nguyen, G.-N. T. (2014). Diversity and inquiry in K-12 physical science teaching: Defying the female Hispanic 'stereotype threat.' Journal of Intercultural Disciplines, 14, 45-61.

Publications (Editorial-Reviewed)

  • Nguyen, G.-N. T., & Tran, D. (2014). Mathematical modeling in a problem-based setting. Mathematics in Michigan, 47(2), 22-26.
  • Nguyen, G.-N. T. (2014). Piecewise function: It's about its domain and range. Dimensions in Mathematics, 34(2), 32-36.
  • Tran, D., &  Nguyen, G.-N. T. (2014). Meeting between association and function: Bringing data to the theoretical model. Dimensions in Mathematics, 34(1), 5-8.

Keywords: mathematics education, student motivation technology, function concepts, modeling, problem-based learning, math modeling