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IRB Meeting Schedule

IRB meetings are reserved for the review of applications in which participants are exposed to "greater than minimal risk" or include vulnerable populations. Applications that will require a convened IRB Meeting must be submitted two weeks in advance of the meeting date in order to be added to the agenda.

Applications referencing "minimal risk" studies are reviewed on a continuous basis.

All IRB meetings are open to the public. Meetings are normally held the third Wednesday of each month during the fall and spring semesters from 1:00pm to 3:00pm (Central). Typically, a single meeting is scheduled during the summer semester.

The 2024 fall and 2025 spring meetings will meet in the School of Education conference room, building 85, room 102, unless indicated differently below. Hybrid options for the meeting are available through Google Meet. The meeting link can be made available upon request. Please email the IRB Office to request the meeting link.

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