New Hire

Looking for information to help you prepare for your first day? Here we answer questions you may have concerning your parking permit, ID card, computer access, paycheck, timesheet and benefits.

Welcome to UWF!
Greetings from President Martha D. Saunders
Welcome to the University of West Florida family. UWF is more than just where we work. We are a community, working together to educate the nation's future leaders. There is nothing more fulfilling, rewarding or exciting than to be a part of this effort.
I am glad that you have decided to join us. Each of us plays a role in preparing students for their professional careers, and their success rests on how each of us does our job. From the maintenance and landscape workers, who work diligently to make UWF the warm and inviting place it is, to the executive staff, who make major policy decisions, we all are committed to making UWF the best it can be.
As a UWF employee, you will find that your teammates care about you as an individual. Because we are family, we are sensitive to your needs, and we want you to be satisfied with your work environment.
We encourage and value innovation, so seek new solutions and try new ideas. Do not be afraid to try new things: only through the exploration of possibilities can we find better solutions.
Finally, we value the benefits that come through teamwork. By combining the talents of many, and by sharing opinions and ideas, we can continue UWF's march to excellence in all that we do. We encourage you to lend your expertise, to work cooperatively, and to share your talents because that's how we improve. We want to empower you to attain your goals and aspirations because we care about you.
Again, welcome to the University of West Florida family. We are at an exciting time in the history of UWF, and I am pleased you will be a part of it.
Martha D. Saunders
We are pleased that you selected UWF as your employer of choice and are excited to have you as part of our team. We believe UWF is a great place to work and Northwest Florida is a wonderful place to live. We hope this information will provide you with the basic information you need to start your position. We have prepared an Applicant Onboarding Checklist to assist you during this process. If you have further questions, please call 850.474.2694.
Human Resources will provide and assist you with completing the required new hire essential documents prior to your start date with UWF. Prior to your first day, you will be required to complete the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Eligibility Verification Form. The Form I-9 is used to verify your identity and eligibility to work in the United States. Please be sure to bring your original, unexpired documents from the List of Acceptable Documents so they can be verified. You will also need to bring in a "copy" of your social security card for W-4 tax purposes. If you do not have your Social Security Card, an Official receipt from the Social Security Administration is acceptable, but only valid for 90 days. (Online applications for a duplicate card do not provide official receipts. The email confirmation of online application does not suffice for the receipt requirement, per USCIS/DHS.)
This online, searchable campus map should help you find your way around. The Nautilus Card Office, Cashier's Office and Human Resources are all located in the Business Services area on the map.
All employees who park on university property are required to register their vehicles and purchase a hang tag. New employees may obtain a temporary parking pass from Parking Services in Building 20W. Once your new hire paperwork has been processed and you have started work, and activated your MyUWF Account, you may purchase your permit via the Parking Permits app in MyUWF. To do so, type "Parking Permits" into the search field. Open the "Parking Permits, Citations and Appeals" app and follow the instructions to complete your permit purchase. Visit Purchasing a Parking Permit for step by step instructions. You may choose to have your permit mailed or picked up on campus in Building 20W.
All UWF students and staff are required to have a Nautilus Card, which is the official UWF identification card. Once your new hire paperwork has been processed, you have an Argonet account, and you have started work, you may get your card from the Nautilus Card Office in Building 20W.
- You must bring a government-issued ID and New Employee Nautilus Card form to receive your Nautilus Card. Employee Nautilus Cards are charged to the employee's home department.
- Learn more about the benefits of your Nautilus Card, including a 25% Food Account Bonus and other discounts on our website.
- UWF Copy Services provides departmental copiers to the UWF campus. Learn how to gain copier access for use with your personal or departmental account(s) using your Nautilus Card.
Your Nautilus Card has so many uses across campus! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Nautilus Card Office at or call 850-474-3324.
When your new hire paperwork is processed, a UWF employee ID number will be generated. As soon as this is done and you have started work, you will have the ability to activate your Argonet account. To do this, go to MyUWF and select the "Activate your account - New to UWF" app in the Home Items list and follow the on-screen instructions. You will be asked to setup a security password. Note: Never leave your password written down where anyone else can see it. This account allows you to access a variety of services at UWF including MyUWF, your email and calendar, the UWF Library, the UWF Fitness Center, etc. As part of this process, you will also set up your official UWF email and calendar account.
All UWF employees are required to attend the "Harassment & Discrimination Prevention" professional development course every two years. Please make arrangements with your supervisor to sign up and attend the next available class, now offered via eLearning.
Specific UWF Administrators are mandated by Florida Statute to attend the "Protection of Vulnerable Persons" course. Your supervisor or Human Resources will notify you if this is a requirement of your position. UWF employees whose job responsibilities include working with children under age 18 may take this class on a voluntary basis. Individuals who choose to accept this professional development course assume the responsibility to report known or suspected child abuse in accordance with Florida Statutes. This professional development course can also be taken anytime online via eLearning.
In addition to the above mandatory professional development course, we offer a variety of other, optional, professional development classes to enhance our employees' skills. Please consult our Professional Development webpage for more information. You may sign up for all training classes via the Professional Development Learning Library in MyUWF.
New Employee Orientation (NEO) is available in two versions for employees to take depending on their position classification.
OPS employees (except student employees) will take the version of NEO created for their classification specifically. The NEO for OPS online course is accessed in MyUWF via the SCOOP application. Employees hired for less than 30 days are not required to take the course, but all others must complete it within 30 days of their hire date.
New hires in positions classified as University Work Force staff, Faculty, and Executive Service will participate in our full-version New Employee Orientation (NEO). Part 1 of NEO is online in MyUWF via the SCOOP application and provides information on a wide array of topics. Next, employees may sign up for an in-person session as Part 2 of NEO, which will be a hands-on benefits enrollment assistance opportunity, but this part is optional. Please arrange with your supervisor to sign up for the next session following your completion of Part 1, if you wish to attend. You may sign up using the Professional Development Learning Library or by calling 850.474.2694.
In addition to the information you will receive at the New Employee Orientation Session, new employees should review our Benefits Section for detailed information on the available insurance and retirement plans and review the list of other great perks available to employees! The Human Resources Benefit's Team has compiled a detailed list of Benefits and Services Offered. New hires must enroll for insurance within 60 days of their hire date and for a retirement plan within 90 days of their hire date.
All university employees are responsible for the timely and accurate reporting of their work hours and/or leave taken.
Non-exempt employees are paid on an hourly basis and must submit a biweekly Timesheet accounting for all hours worked.
University Work Force Exempt employees are salaried and will submit a Leave Report only in pay periods when there are exceptions or leave taken.
OPS Exempt employees are salaried. These positions do not include leave-related benefits (annual leave, sick leave, holidays, etc.). OPS exempt who are absent from work for one or more full days for personal reasons, should submit an OPS Effort Recap/Timesheet to have those hours deducted from their salary, if they are not otherwise able to make them up later in the same work week.
If you are unsure whether your position is classified as non-exempt or exempt, your hiring manager can clarify this for you.
You may access your Timesheet or Leave Report by logging into MyUWF and searching for the appropriate app. The Web Time Entry deadline is typically every other Monday at 10:00 a.m. However, it may be earlier due to University holidays. See the current Payroll Calendar on the Controller's Office, Payroll Department web page for a complete list of pay periods and Web Time Entry deadlines. For additional instructions on how to submit your timesheet or leave report, employees may utilize the Employee Self-Service Guides provided by Human Resources.
Employees should visit the Time and Leave Reporting area of the HR webpage for more information.
All university employees are paid on a biweekly basis. Our work week is from Sunday through Saturday. For a complete listing of work weeks and associated pay dates, please refer to the Controller's Office - Payroll Department and view the Annual Payroll Calendar at the bottom of the page. Check stubs and other important information will be emailed to your UWF employee email address so be sure to activate and check your email account regularly. All official UWF correspondence will be sent to your UWF email address only. Your check stub and other personal information is also available using the Employee Menu (Banner) app in MyUWF.
The preferred method of payroll distribution at UWF is direct deposit to your financial institution. It may take up to one payroll cycle for new hire direct deposits to take effect (especially if no voided check or bank documentation was provided). In this case (or if you do not choose Direct Deposit), you will receive a paper check. Paper checks can be picked up on payday at the Cashier's Office in Building 20E. On Tuesday a.m. following payday, any remaining paper checks are mailed to the employee's W-4 address on file.
UWF provides various types of leave which are dependent upon your employment type. Benefit eligible employees earn leave beginning their first day of employment at UWF.
Employee Disability Resources works collaboratively with other university entities, as well as external community organizations, to help meet the university’s ADA mission and goals. They also provide leadership in promoting inclusiveness, disability awareness, and education in the local community. From that perspective, the ADA Office monitors our campus for ADA compliance, consults and advises faculty, students, and staff on disability related issues, and provides training and awareness opportunities for the campus community. If assistance is needed, please visit the ADA Programs webpage or call 850.474.2694.
All University Work Force positions serve a one year probationary period known as the Position Orientation Year. This probationary period allows you time to adjust to the your new position and environment and allows your supervisor time to assess your ability to satisfactorily perform the functions of the position. Please make sure you review your job description. Your supervisor can provide you with a copy or you may access it through the Employment/Position Management app in MyUWF. All University Work Force employees should be evaluated at the end of the Position Orientation Year.