Completing Your Tasks
How to complete tasks related to applying for financial aid.
Completing Your Tasks
- Once logged in, you are taken directly to your task list.
- Selecting anywhere on the task expands the task to provide you additional information.
- Within each task, you will be provided a step or steps to complete. Each step will provide you additional information. Please note some steps may provide an external link in order to complete the required information.
Types of Tasks
- Webforms: Documents completed electronically.
- Requests (not appeal requests): Allow you to request a parent electronic signature.
- Downloads: Forms that require hand-signed signatures.
- Uploads: Any additional documents that may be requested.
- Links: Available if an external site is required to complete a task (e.g., using the IRS-DRT or FA-DDX via your FAFSA).
- Steps with Options: Your responses dictate the subsequent document(s) required.
- Submitting/Editing Tasks: Submit and edit documents as necessary until you select Finish.
- Additional Task Information: Tasks can be completed in any order.
- Completed steps are indicated with a check mark.
- Unfinished steps have an open circle.
How Students Electronically Sign (E-Sign) a Webform
- Complete all the sections of the webform.
- While in the Review and Sign screen, ensure no corrections are required.
- If correction(s) needed, select the applicable section link(s).
- Once ready to E-Sign, use the PIN created and enter into the E-Sign box.
- If a PIN has not been created, a link will appear.
- You will then create a 5-digit PIN.
- Select the E-Sign button.
- If you opt out of E-sign, the form will become available to print for hand-signed signatures.
- A Consent to Use of Electronic Signature box will appear. Read carefully before accepting.
- This consent appears the first time you E-Sign or if you previously opted out of E-Sign.
- A Success box will appear upon consenting.
- Dependent students will be provided the option to request a parent E-Sign.
- From the parent(s) reported on the FASFA, select which parent to E-Sign.
- Enter and confirm parent’s email address (must be different than student's).
- Select the Send Request button.
- If needed, students can edit or cancel request. You would cancel request to edit the document.
How a Parent E-Signs a Webform
- Applicable to only dependent students and a parent reported on the FAFSA.
- At least one parent must pass the SSA check.
- If the parent is ineligible to E-Sign, the student is automatically notified.
- The form will automatically convert to downloadable format.
- The student can print for hand-signed signatures.
- The student can then upload the hand-signed document.
- The student must initiate the request prior to a parent E-Signing.
- Once request made, parent will receive an email notification.
- Parent will select the Preview button to view the webform requiring an E-Sign.
- If the form requires corrections, select Form Not Approved for additional details.
- Once ready to E-Sign, enter the password created for your account into the E-Sign box.
- Parent is then directed back to their account screen.
- If no additional documents listed, no further action.
- If additional documents listed, repeat the same E-Sign steps.
- If a parent opts out of E-Sign, the student will be unable to E-Sign (the student is notified).
- Parents have access to only the forms that require their signature.
Tasks Completed
Once all tasks have check marks (including any subsequent document requests), your file will reflect: “Congratulations! Your file has been sent to the Financial Aid Office for review. No further action is required at this time.”