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Hurricane Plan

UWF Department of Computer Science Hurricane Preparation Procedures Department Hurricane Preparation Contacts: Clif Redding, Diana Walker, Jim Lewis

Faculty Office and Work Areas
Each faculty and staff member is expected take appropriate steps to protect office content such as books, documents and personal items. If you need assistance please contact department personnel.

Office computers and equipment should be powered down, unplugged and covered with plastic. Please note that it is important to unplug equipment that will be covered. If power is restored and a computer restarts while covered, it may experience severe overheating.

It is suggested that where possible equipment be placed on desks, tables or shelves to prevent damage from possible standing water. In most cases your computer and monitor can be placed on top of your desk and covered with a single garbage bag. Garbage bags and plastic are available in the department office.

For faculty and staff members who are not on campus the department staff will power down and cover office computer systems.

Classroom and Laboratories
Departmental servers and other equipment in room 185 are on building backup power and will remain powered up.

In general all equipment in classrooms and laboratories (other than room 185) will be powered down and covered with protective plastic.

If any faculty or staff member has equipment in a laboratory or classroom that should not be powered down and covered, they should either make special arrangements with the department hurricane preparation contacts or be present to manage said equipment.

UWF Hurricane Information and Procedures
UWF Employee Hurricane Procedures

UWF Emergency Operation Plan

As we enter into the 2008 hurricane season, the campus community is encouraged to review their hurricane checklists and procedures. Additionally, please review departmental hurricane plans and the university's Hurricane Procedures for UWF Students, Personnel and Facilities.

Campus community members are also encouraged to familiarize themselves with the policies, procedures and information outlined on the "UWF In Case of Emergency Web site" at
For more information regarding hurricane preparation and the Emergency Operations Plan, contact Peter Robinson at Ext. 2435 or Floyd Replogle at Ext. 7440.