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Returning Resident Room Selection

The online room selection process allows current residents to indicate their preferences for where and with whom they’d like to live in the coming academic year.

  1. Complete your 2024-2025 Contract in MyUWF beginning on January 31, 2024. Submit your contract and the $25 processing fee to participate in online room selection before the contract closes.* List your matching preferences on your contract, and you’ll be able to choose a roommate during room selection.
    • *Submit your contract early: The 24/25 Housing Contract will close no later than March 15, 2024. If on-campus housing reaches capacity prior to March 15, contracts will close, and you will be added to the stand-by list instead of being able to reserve your spot.
  2. Participate in room selection once it opens. See the table below for more information.
    • Select your building/space
    • Select a roommate

Room Selection Timeline

Read through the categories below to determine when you become eligible for online room selection.

When is your turn?
March 18 Online room selection opens for current residents who are requesting to return to their current room assignment
March 19 Return to your current assigned space and add a roommate
March 21
Return to your same LLC space but in a different room assignment
Online room selection opens to all graduate, seniors and juniors students
March 22 Online room selection opens for current residents who are currently either a sophomore or returning freshman
March 25-April 3 Online room selection opens to anyone who has yet to choose a room assignment
April 8 Housing assigns any students who did not participate in the online room selection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Open housing allows students of all gender identifications to reside in the same room, suite or apartment. All residents within a room, suite or apartment must agree to be in open housing. You will be able to select that you would like to live in open housing when you apply.

You may view your room assignment in MyUWF by searching for “Housing Contracts and Services.” Then click on the Room Assignment and Roommates button.

Double check that your roommate’s name is spelled correctly and that you’ve used the MM/DD/YYYY format when entering their birth date.

A roommate PIN is a unique number that allows students to add other students as roommates. Roommates should agree on a group and group leader. The group leader will collect the group members' names, birth dates and PINs in order to add them as roommates.

To set your roommate's PIN:

  1. Log into MyUWF
  2. Search for Housing Contracts and Services
  3. Select Room Selection and then Update Your Roommate PIN.